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Disabled button onclick event fires

I have a button on a page, which is disabled if none of the check boxes is selected 在此处输入图片说明

If a checkbox is selected the button became enabled. This is working fine, but the on click event is still fires, even if the button is enabled.

This is the code when I click on a checkbox

 $(document).on('click', '.damageCheckbox', function () {


    var idSelector = function () { return this.id; };
    var selectedDamages = $(":checkbox:checked").map(idSelector).get();

    if (selectedDamages.length > 0)
        $('#btnDamageInvoiceShow').prop("disabled", false);
    else {
        $('#btnDamageInvoiceShow').prop("disabled", true);

and this is the javascript when I press the button:

 $("body").on("click", ".btnDamageInvoiceShow", function (e) {

            var idSelector = function () { return this.id; };
            var selectedDamages = $(":checkbox:checked").map(idSelector).get();

            var baseUrl = '@Url.Action("ShowDamageInvoice", "TimberMonitor", new { Area = "" })';
            var url = baseUrl + '?' + $.param({ damageIds: selectedDamages }, true);
            location.href = url;

I have try to resolve the problem by adding:

$('#btnDamageInvoiceShow').prop("disabled", false);

I have tried this way:

$("body").on("click", ".btnDamageInvoiceShow:disabled", function (e) {

but this way the button onclick event never fires.


$("body").on("click", ".btnDamageInvoiceShow:not(.disabled)", function (e) {

But, disabled button should never fire an event. Try checking the by HTML inspector if the button has got the disabled attribute or not.

Add a check to the click event handler to make sure that the button is not disabled.

$("body").on("click", ".btnDamageInvoiceShow", function (e) {
    if (e.target.disabled) { // or this.disabled

    // ...

If it doesn't help, the button is actually not disabled and you need to check the code that should disable the button.

Also make sure that the button is a <button/> or an <input/> and not a <a/> or <span/> because the disabled property works only on form tags.

@Kar, when you use checkbox event then you set

 $('#btnDamageInvoiceShow').prop("disabled", true);

but when you assign button click then you give

 $("body").on("click", ".btnDamageInvoiceShow", function (e) {})

So, be clear the Name and ID of your ADD Damage button will be btnDamageInvoiceShow If it is then your case works otherwise replace your click event with

   $("body").on("click", "#btnDamageInvoiceShow", function (e) {
      alert("button called");

Let me know is that solutions works?

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