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What are the different ways of specifying the linking path to FFI libraries in Rust?

Using the below code as an example:

extern crate libc;

#[link(name = "adder")]
extern {
    fn double_input(input: libc::c_int) -> libc::c_int;

fn main() {
    let input = 4;
    let output = unsafe { double_input(input) };
    println!("{} * 2 = {}", input, output);

Should #[link(name = "adder")] include a relative path to the .o / a / .h files? For example, should it be #[link(name = "../adderlib/adder")] ? Is there another way to tell the compiler where adder is?

The answer to the first question is YES! If your lib file is libfoo.o , #[link(name = "foo") is enough in your code. There are more details in the official documentation .

It will be relative to the lib file which is located in the current work path and the system lib path. (I cannot find this in any documentation, but I once made it successfully). You can specify a path using rustc -l XX -L XX . Using Cargo with a build script is a better way.


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