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How to push multiple images needed for docker-compose to GitLab registry in GitLab CI?

I recently got into CI/CD, and a good starting point for me was GitLab, since they provide an easy interface for that and i got started about what pipelines and stages are, but i have run into some kind of contradictory thought about GitLab CI running on Docker.

My app runs on Docker Compose. It contains (blah blah) that makes it easy to build & run containers. Each service in the Docker Compose creates a single Docker container, excepting the php-fpm one, which is able to do the thing called "horizontal scale", so I can scale it later.

I will use that Docker Compose for production, I am currently using it in development and I want to use it too in CI/CD pipelines.

However the.gitlab-ci.yml provides support for only one image, so I have to build it and push it to either their GitLab Registry or Docker Hub in order to pull it later in the CI/CD process.

How can I build my Docker Compose's service as a single image in order to push it to the Registry/Docker so I can pull it in the CI/CD?

My project contains a docker folder and a docker-compose.yml. In the docker folder, each service has its own separate directory (php-fpm, nginx, mysql, etc.) and each one (prepare yourself) contains a Dockerfile with build details, especially the php-fpm one (deps and libs are strong with this one)

Each service in the docker-compose.yml has a build context in each of their own folder.

If I was unclear, I can provide additonal info.

I think you search something like this

# .gitlab-ci.yml

image: docker

  - docker:dind

    - apk add --no-cache py-pip
    - pip install docker-compose
    - docker-compose up -d

Also good to know:

You don't need dind to run a docker-compose stack. You can run multiple docker-compose up commands.

  stage: test
    - docker-compose -p $CI_JOB_ID up -d
    - docker-compose -p $CI_JOB_ID exec -T /run/your/test/suite.sh
    - docker-compose -p $CI_JOB_ID down -v --remove-orphans || true

However the .gitlab-ci.yml provides support for only one image

This is not true. From the official documentation :

Your image will be named after the following scheme:

 <registry URL>/<namespace>/<project>/<image> 

GitLab supports up to three levels of image repository names. Following examples of image tags are valid:

 registry.example.com/group/project:some-tag registry.example.com/group/project/image:latest registry.example.com/group/project/my/image:rc1 

So the solution to your problem is simple - just build individual images and push them to GitLab container registry under different image name. The following config should give you an idea:

.template: &build_template
  image: docker:stable
    - docker:dind
    - docker pull $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$IMAGE_NAME:latest || true
    - if [ -z ${CI_COMMIT_TAG+x} ];
      then docker build
        --cache-from $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$IMAGE_NAME:latest
        --file $DOCKERFILE_NAME
        --tag $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$IMAGE_NAME:latest . ;
      else docker build
        --cache-from $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$IMAGE_NAME:latest
        --file $DOCKERFILE_NAME
        --tag $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$IMAGE_NAME:latest . ;
    - if [ -z ${CI_COMMIT_TAG+x} ]; then
    - docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$IMAGE_NAME:latest

  <<: *build_template
    IMAGE_NAME: image1
    DOCKERFILE_NAME: Dockerfile.1

  <<: *build_template
    IMAGE_NAME: image2
    DOCKERFILE_NAME: Dockerfile.2

And you should be able to pull the same image using $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$IMAGE_NAME:$CI_COMMIT_SHA in later pipeline jobs or your compose file (provided that the variables are passed to where you run your compose file).

In my case changing the url causes repository not exists error. So a workaround is to tag different images with different tag. For example I have a project of Drupal which contains two images: one for Drupal source code & second for MySQL database.

I tagged them:

docker build -t registry.mysite.net/drupal/blog:db mysql/db
docker build -t registry.mysite.net/drupal/blog:drupal src/drupal

Here you can see we are not changing the repo url: registry.mysite.net/drupal/blog:drupal

We are only changing the tags. And then to push it to gitlab like:

docker push registry.mysite.net/drupal/blog:db
docker push registry.mysite.net/drupal/blog:drupal

Hope this might help someone.

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