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React Native - How to get Y Offset Value of a view from ScrollView?

I am trying to get the scroll position of a view. But the value for Y offset to page which is not related to the view's position.

ScrollView Hierarchy:

  - MyComponent1
  - MyComponent2
    - SubView1
       - SubView2
         - <View> (Added ref to this view and passing Y offset value through props)
  - MyComponent3

SubView2 Component:

this.myComponent.measure( (fx, fy, width, height, px, py) => {
   console.log('Component width is: ' + width)
   console.log('Component height is: ' + height)
   console.log('X offset to frame: ' + fx)
   console.log('Y offset to frame: ' + fy)
   console.log('X offset to page: ' + px)
   console.log('Y offset to page: ' + py)


<View ref={view => { this.myComponent = view; }}>

I have checked the exact position of a SubView2 view on onScroll method. But did match with the measure value . I can figure it out the measure value is wrong.

Is it ScrollView hierarchy problem?

View component has a property called onLayout . You can use this property to get the position of that component.


Invoked on mount and layout changes with:

 {nativeEvent: { layout: {x, y, width, height}}} 

This event is fired immediately once the layout has been calculated, but the new layout may not yet be reflected on the screen at the time the event is received, especially if a layout animation is in progress.


onLayout prop gives a position to the parent component. This means to find the position of SubView2 , you need to get total of all the parent components ( MyComponent2 + SubView1 + SubView2 ).


export default class App extends Component {
  state = {
    position: 0,
  _onLayout = ({ nativeEvent: { layout: { x, y, width, height } } }) => {
    this.setState(prevState => ({
      position: prevState.position + y
  componentDidMount() {
    setTimeout(() => {
      // This will scroll the view to SubView2
      this.scrollView.scrollTo({x: 0, y: this.state.position, animated: true})
    }, 5000);
  render() {
    return (
      <ScrollView style={styles.container} ref={(ref) => this.scrollView = ref}>
        <View style={styles.view}>
        <View style={[styles.view, { backgroundColor: 'blue'}]} onLayout={this._onLayout}>
          <View style={[styles.view, , { backgroundColor: 'green'}]} onLayout={this._onLayout}>
            <View style={[styles.view, { backgroundColor: 'yellow'}]} onLayout={this._onLayout}>

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