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How would I go about adding a python code runner to my website

Alright, so basically, I own this website: https://quarkedit.ga which right now has a HTML/CSS/JS editor using Ace. Now what I need is I also have a python language one, but I don't know how to make the terminal or whatever show up. I'm going for something like https://repl.it 's python thing. Just wondering if there is any API which i could use, something like

output = evaluatePythonCode("print(\"test\")");

I basically want to know and find out these things:

  • What API's can I use to do this?
  • What would the syntax be?
  • Can I do this with pure HTML/CSS/JS or would I have to use a JS Library?

I have the input for the code done, and the syntax highlighting (Ace) But what I need is the:

  • Execution
  • Output

    All help will be appreciated, and if this question isn't appropriate or anything just comment and I'll remove it.


You've got two options: either evaluate the Python in the browser or post it back to some server that can spawn a Python process to evaluate the code.

For the former, there are a few Python-implemented-via-JavaScript solutions out there, which I can't personally vouch for but would be the faster option and wouldn't require you to have servers to execute the code. PyPy.js has a REPL in a browser available to play with, so that's worth taking a look at.

For server-side execution, there's a ton of approaches, all depending on your server technologies, which Python interpreter you're using, how you're going to handle security/DOS, etc.

Hopefully that helps you get started.

First create a file.py to write code to and execute.

You can use javascript to send a XMLHttpRequest to a python file

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("POST", "exec?text=" + code, true);
xhr.onload = function(e) {
    var output = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
    // do something with the output

And using Flask and subprocess in the python file:

import subprocess
from flask import Flask, request
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/exec', methods=['POST']) // route app to /exec
def result():
    with open('file.py', 'w') as code: // 'w' means to override existing code in the file
        code.write(request['code']) // write the code
    return subprocess.check_output(["python", "file.py"]) // execute the code using the terminal

Return the output of the code. Please tell me if this does not work. Thanks!

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