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Error connecting to docker container

I installed a service on a remote Linux computer using docker. I used the following commands

But when I try do connect at the first time, I received the follow error menssage:


I used the following diagnostic command in Linux computer “docker ps” and received the following response:

CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 21b0620266cd openvidu/openvidu-server-kms:latest "/usr/bin/supervisor 5 days ago >Up 5 days 8443/tcp, 8888/tcp,>4443/tcp, 9091/tcp sick_ritchie

What is wrong? How can I solve this?

I'm not sure sure what causes this, but when I had the same problem (with different http server) I changed listening on particular ip address (which was in my case) to listening on all interfaces - .

I mean http server configuration, not Docker configuration.

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