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iOS Firebase Crashlytics missing dSYM

So I am trying to use Google Firebase Crashlytics

I have followed any steps from

https://docs.fabric.io/apple/crashlytics/missing-dsyms.html https://firebase.google.com/docs/crashlytics/upgrade-from-crash-reporting

But it is still not working with Firebase Crashlytics

My application "Set Bitcode" is set to NO

I have tried to set my "Debug Information Format" in the Build Settings to "DWARF with dSYM"

I have tried to get the dSYM manually from "Show package content" on my archived app(same version of app), compressed it to zip, and uploaded it to Firebase Crashlytics. It showed upload successfull, but the missing dSYM message is still there.

My previous uploaded dSYM is not shown on the Firebase dashboard(I am not sure this is intended or not)

So basically my crash is submitted to the Firebase Crashlytics but it couldn't get the dSYM.

Can anyone guide me on how to use it?

I solved the missing dSYM issue by following steps.

  1. Under Build phase add the run script as below image添加运行脚本

  2. Under build settings enable bitcode to Yes and Debug information format to DWARF with dSYM File as below带有 dSYM 文件的 DWARF

  3. Upload dSYM manually using terminal as below

(3.1) Open terminal

(3.2) Under Xcode Project -> Pods -> FirebaseCrashlytics folder -> Right click -> Show in Finder , there you will find Upload_Symbols file as below images FirebaseCrashlytics Upload_Symbols

(3.3)Drag & Drop upload-symbols file into terminal 拖放上传符号

(3.4)Enter -gsp in terminal with single space on both sides

(3.5)Locate GoogleService-Info.plist file in xcode project. Drag & drop GoogleService-Info.plist into terminal as belowGoogleService-Info.plist

(3.6)Enter -p ios in terminal with single space on both sides

(3.7)Locate app.dSYM file as below
Xcode -> Windows -> Organizer -> Select Archive -> Right Click -> Show in finder -> Select Archive -> Right Click -> Show package contents -> dSYMs -> Select app.dSYM

(3.8)Drag & Drop app.dSYM file into terminal as below

(3.9)Enter, you will get message in console as below

(3.10)Try to uninstall & install the app in the device, please check after sometime, the issue in firebase will be resolved

in your Xcode project, under Build Phases add below run script:

"${PODS_ROOT}/Fabric/upload-symbols" -gsp "${PROJECT_DIR}/GoogleService-Info.plist" -p ios "${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH}/${DWARF_DSYM_FILE_NAME}"


Add following scripts in the build phase:


Input files:


Add user defined setting:

GOOGLE_INFO_PLIST_PATH:     ${SRCROOT}/GoogleService-Info.plist

For below script : Do not check run script only when installing option


If you're using new FirebaseCrashlytics , replace Fabric with FirebaseCrashlytics in your script

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