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Angular hybrid app - angular 2 router not working

I am trying to run hybrid app wit angular 2 components. Following are the setup i have done to run hybrid app, i am able to run the application and "my-app" component is also initialized in this hybrid app, but when i am trying to access a component (FirstComponent) using route("/first"), it loads the FirstComponent but automatically redirects to my default angular 1 route.


<base href="/hybridApp/">


  selector: 'my-app',
  template: '<router-outlet></router-outlet>' +
  '<div ng-view></div>',
export class AppComponent  {
  name = 'Angular';


    imports: [
    declarations: [
    bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]

export class AppModule {
    constructor(private upgrade: UpgradeModule) { }
    ngDoBootstrap() {


export class Ng1Ng2UrlHandlingStrategy implements UrlHandlingStrategy {
    shouldProcessUrl(url: any) {
        return url.toString().startsWith("/first");

    extract(url: any) {
        return url;

    merge(url: any, whole: any) {
        return url;

const routes : Routes = [

        path :'first',

        component: FirstComponent

        RouterModule.forRoot(routes,{ useHash: true, initialNavigation: true, enableTracing: true })

        { provide: UrlHandlingStrategy, useClass: Ng1Ng2UrlHandlingStrategy }
export class FirstModule {}



export class FirstComponent implements OnInit{
        console.log("first component rendered..")

        private route:ActivatedRoute


platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule).then(platformRef => {
    const upgrade = platformRef.injector.get(UpgradeModule) as UpgradeModule;
    upgrade.bootstrap(document.body, ['angular1App']);

I am able to see logs from my FirstComponent "first component rendered.." but instead of staying on that route it redirects to default route of angular1 app.

Here are the logs as i see through approach suggested by @jeffrey

NavigationStart {id: 8, url: "/first"}
   NavigationStart {id: 8, url: "/first"}
   RoutesRecognized {id: 8, url: "/first", urlAfterRedirects: "/first", state: RouterStateSnapshot}
   RoutesRecognized {id: 8, url: "/first", urlAfterRedirects: "/first", state: RouterStateSnapshot}
   GuardsCheckStart {id: 8, url: "/first", urlAfterRedirects: UrlTree, state: RouterStateSnapshot}
   GuardsCheckStart {id: 8, url: "/first", urlAfterRedirects: UrlTree, state: RouterStateSnapshot}
   GuardsCheckEnd {id: 8, url: "/first", urlAfterRedirects: UrlTree, state: RouterStateSnapshot, shouldActivate: true}
   GuardsCheckEnd {id: 8, url: "/first", urlAfterRedirects: UrlTree, state: RouterStateSnapshot, shouldActivate: true}
   ResolveStart {id: 8, url: "/first", urlAfterRedirects: UrlTree, state: RouterStateSnapshot}
   ResolveStart {id: 8, url: "/first", urlAfterRedirects: UrlTree, state: RouterStateSnapshot}
   ResolveEnd {id: 8, url: "/first", urlAfterRedirects: UrlTree, state: RouterStateSnapshot}
   ResolveEnd {id: 8, url: "/first", urlAfterRedirects: UrlTree, state: RouterStateSnapshot}
   NavigationEnd {id: 8, url: "/first", urlAfterRedirects: "/first"}
   NavigationEnd {id: 8, url: "/first", urlAfterRedirects: "/first"}
   NavigationEnd {id: 8, url: "/first", urlAfterRedirects: "/first"}
   NavigationStart {id: 9, url: "/auth"}
   NavigationStart {id: 9, url: "/auth"}
   NavigationStart {id: 9, url: "/auth"}
   GuardsCheckStart {id: 9, url: "/auth", urlAfterRedirects: UrlTree, state: RouterStateSnapshot}
   GuardsCheckStart {id: 9, url: "/auth", urlAfterRedirects: UrlTree, state: RouterStateSnapshot}
   GuardsCheckStart {id: 9, url: "/auth", urlAfterRedirects: UrlTree, state: RouterStateSnapshot}
   GuardsCheckEnd {id: 9, url: "/auth", urlAfterRedirects: UrlTree, state: RouterStateSnapshot, shouldActivate: true}
   GuardsCheckEnd {id: 9, url: "/auth", urlAfterRedirects: UrlTree, state: RouterStateSnapshot, shouldActivate: true}
   GuardsCheckEnd {id: 9, url: "/auth", urlAfterRedirects: UrlTree, state: RouterStateSnapshot, shouldActivate: true}
   NavigationEnd {id: 9, url: "/auth", urlAfterRedirects: "/auth"}
   NavigationEnd {id: 9, url: "/auth", urlAfterRedirects: "/auth"}
   NavigationEnd {id: 9, url: "/auth", urlAfterRedirects: "/auth"}

I'm tryng to use my ui-router form angularjs with angular 5 application. Now I'm having some problems with http_interceptor, anyway, first I have to downgrade app-component, and insert in my index.js file. second I try to know if the url handling strategy is working and angular 5 starts to manage the routes. Third, I have to inject the angular5 urlHandling strategy and routes from angular5 in angularjs module. After that my angular 5 was worked. I found a gist about this after hours of search.



To see what the router does, before, during and after redirecting, add this to your FirstComponent:

  private router: Router
) {
  this.router.events.subscribe(e => {

You have to dig through the event-logs a bit, but it may give you valuable insights.

If you encounter this problem only for deployment, try the following:

If you are using an apache server, add this to your .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On
    # If an existing asset or directory is requested go to it as it is
    RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}%{REQUEST_URI} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}%{REQUEST_URI} -d
    RewriteRule ^ - [L]
    # If the requested resource doesn't exist, use index.html
RewriteRule ^ /index.html

If you are using a different server such as NGinx, IIS or Firebase, take a look here for more configurations as recommended by the Angular team.

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