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How can i delete data from database with foreign key constraint in mysql using php pdo

I have three Tables in database.

table 1


PK ProjectID

table 2


PK RegNo
FK ProjectID

table 3


FK RegNo

Now the thing I want to perform a delete operation when I delete the record from a project it should be deleted from students, as students primary key is also present as foreign key progress table, so it should also delete RegNo from progress table. How I can achieve this as the best possible way. Thanks in advance.

$query = "DELETE students, progress from students inner join progress on progress.RegNo=students.RegNo where students.ProjectID='$id';DELETE FROM projects where projects.ProjectID='$id'";

$stmt = $conn->prepare($query);

it gives foreign key constraint violation

It could be easier to split deletes into separate queries.

 DELETE FROM `progress` 
        WHERE `RegNo` IN(
          SELECT `RegNo` FROM `students` WHERE ProjectID = '$id'

 DELETE FROM `student` WHERE `ProjectID` = '$id';
 DELETE FROM `projects` WHERE `ProjectID` = '$id';

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