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Navigate to View Already in Backstack

I am currently using MvvmCross in a Xamarin.Forms app.

My situation is this, at a certain point in a user journey, the back stack looks like this

Root -> View1 -> View2 -> View3

What I need to do, is navigate from View3 back to View1.

I can't just say


As this will simply add it to the back stack, leading to

Root -> View1 -> View2 -> View3 -> View 1

What I need is

Root -> View1

I had a look at the documentation and came across

NavigationService.ChangePresentation(new MvxPresentationHint(typeof(ViewModel1)));

But this doesn't seem to do anything. How can I achieve this?

You can count the number of pages in navigation stack and do like this:

Navigation.RemovePage(Navigation.NavigationStack[Navigation.NavigationStack.Count - 2]);

Hope it may solve your issue.

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