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Pandas: exact string match, with position, between two dataframes

Let's say I have the two dataframes below.

In reality, both dataframes will be around a million rows each, so I would like to find the most efficient way to compare:

  • each df2["BaseCall"] with each df1["seq"]
  • return a dataframe that contains a list of positions on each df1["gene"] where any df2["BaseCall"] was found

The overall goal is to count the number of times each feature_id is found in a gene, and capture the position information for use downstream.

    # break fasta_df sequences and mutation seqs up into kmers
    data = [{"gene":"pik3ca", "start":"179148724", "stop":"179148949","seq":"TTTGCTTTATCTTTTGTTTTTGCTTTAGCTGAAGTATTTTAAAGTCAGTTACAG"},
    {"gene":"brca1", "start":"179148724", "stop":"179148949","seq":"CAATATCTACCATTTGTTAACTTTGTTCTATTATCATAACTACCAAAATTAACAGA"},
    {"gene":"kras1", "start":"179148724", "stop":"179148949","seq":"AAAACCCAGTAGATTTTCAAATTTTCCCAACTCTTCCACCAATGTCTTTTTACATCT"}] 

    # test dataframe with input seq    
    df1 = pd.DataFrame(data)

    data2 = [{"FeatureID":"1_1_15", "BaseCall":"TTTGTT"},
         {"FeatureID":"1_1_15", "BaseCall":"AATATC"},
         {"FeatureID":"1_1_16", "BaseCall":"GTTTTT"},
         {"FeatureID":"1_1_16", "BaseCall":"GTTCTA"},

    df2= pd.DataFrame(data2)

The output should look something like:

|  gene  |   feature_id   |   BaseCall   |   Position 
| pik3ca |   1_1_15       |   TTTGTT     |    12
| pik3ca |   1_1_16       |   GTTTTT     |    15
| brca1  |   1_1_16       |   GTTCTA     |    24
| brca1  |   1_1_15       |   AATATC     |    1
| brca1  |   1_1_15       |   TTTGTT     |    12
| brca1  |   1_1_15       |   TTTGTT     |    21

This ngram function seems to work great when I use just one test basecall on one seq, but I'm having trouble figuring out the most efficient way to use the apply method with one argument coming from two different dataframes. Or perhaps there is an even better way to find matching strings/positions between two dataframes?

 def ngrams(string, target):
    ngrams = zip(*[string[i:] for i in range(6)])
    output = [''.join(ngram)for ngram in ngrams]
    indices = [(i,x) for i, x in enumerate(output) if x == target]
    return indices

Account for possible multiple occurrences of same BaseCall in a given seq , using re.finditer() and some Pandas hacking :

import re

def match_basecall(pattern, string):
    match = re.finditer(pattern, string)
    start_pos = [m.start() for m in match]
    if not start_pos:
        return None
    return start_pos

matches = df2.BaseCall.apply(lambda bc: df1.seq.apply(lambda x: match_basecall(bc, x)))
matches.columns = df1.gene

merged = matches.merge(df2, left_index=True, right_index=True)

melted = merged.melt(id_vars=["FeatureID", "BaseCall"], 

  FeatureID BaseCall    gene  Position
0    1_1_15   TTTGTT  pik3ca      [12]
2    1_1_16   GTTTTT  pik3ca      [15]
4    1_1_15   TTTGTT   brca1  [12, 21]
5    1_1_15   AATATC   brca1       [1]
7    1_1_16   GTTCTA   brca1      [24]

Multiple BaseCall matches are represented as list items in Position , but our desired output puts each match on a separate row. We can use apply(pd.Series) to explode a column of lists into multiple columns, and then stack() to swing the columns into rows:

stacked = (pd.DataFrame(melted.Position.apply(pd.Series).stack())
             .reset_index(level=1, drop=True)

final = melted.drop("Position", 1).merge(stacked, left_index=True, right_index=True)

  FeatureID BaseCall    gene  Position
0    1_1_15   TTTGTT  pik3ca      12.0
2    1_1_16   GTTTTT  pik3ca      15.0
4    1_1_15   TTTGTT   brca1      12.0
4    1_1_15   TTTGTT   brca1      21.0
5    1_1_15   AATATC   brca1       1.0
7    1_1_16   GTTCTA   brca1      24.0

We can groupby FeatureID and gene to get occurrence totals:

final.groupby(["FeatureID", "gene"]).Position.count()

FeatureID  gene  
1_1_15     brca1     3
           pik3ca    1
1_1_16     brca1     1
           pik3ca    1

Notes: Per OP output, combinations with no matches are excluded.
Also, assuming here that BaseCall is just one column, and that there are not both Basecall and BaseCall separate columns.

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