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How to run jpos inside a docker container?

I want to run jpos (isoserver) within a docker container . So far I have found this image in Docker hub. I didn't able to found any details documentation about this image . Only few lines are available in readme .

I have found few Docker files and build was successful.But when I try to run , it takes me to a bash prompt.I have run this command

docker run -t -i jpos/ubuntu_trusty_jdk8 /bin/bash

No q2 server is running. No Logs are available in docker container when i try to run this command.

sudo docker logs 7c2661e82141

Can I use existing docker image for my requirements? If yes ,where are the details documentation for how to run, modify existing docker image ?

Can anybody help?

Github link

You can take a look at the Docker files .

If you use the jPOS-template , you can create a Dockerfile of your own, like this:

FROM jpos/ubuntu_jdk8:latest

ADD jpos/build/distributions/jpos*.tar.gz /
LABEL vendor="jPOS.org"
LABEL org.jpos.template="2.1.1 master/2a2874f"
RUN ln -s /jpos-2.1.1 /jpos

CMD ["bin/q2"]

Then you can build your image with a script like this:


cd `dirname $0`
rm -fr jpos 
git clone https://github.com/jpos/jPOS-template.git jpos
(cd jpos && gradle dist)
docker rmi jpos/template
docker build -t="jpos/yourproject" .

(You obviously clone from your project, based on jPOS-template).

Key points here:

  • gradle dist creates a distribution in build/distributions directory
  • ADD jpos/build/distributions/jpos*.tar.gz / in the Dockerfile expands the tarball inside your container.

As the Dockerfile of the image, you are referring to uses: CMD ["bash"] which means it will execute bash.

You can create your own image using Dockerfile where the base image would be jpos/ubuntu_vivid_jdk8 and you can specify the default command using ENTRYPOINT or CMD. Please refer https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#dockerignore-file

Please let me know if you need further help.

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