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How to locate and click on an element which is nested within multiple frame and frameset through Selenium using Webdriver and C#

I have html page like below and I need to click on Login inside the class clslogin.

How do I traverse to find the Login. I'm using C# with selenium Webdriver.

With XPath (/html/body/div/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[3]/a) I'm not getting control on Login class, always element not found error is throwing. Can anybody help me to get exact xpath.

 <html> <head></head> <frameset name="mytestTopFrame" rows="*"...... > <frame name="mytestTopsubframe" src="index.html" width="100%"......... > <html> <head></head> <frameset name="mytest" rows="70,20..."...... > <frame name="mytestsubframe" src="menu.html" width="100%"......... > <html> <body class="clsmenu" .......> <div align="left"> <table id="Title" ......> <tbody> <tr class="toptitle" ...> <td class="clicklogin" ....> <a class="clslogin" href="linkref">Login </a> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </body> </html> </frame> </frameset> </html> </frame> </frameset> </html>

As per the HTML you have shared to click on the element with text as Login you have to induce WebDriverwait twice to switch through 2 child frame and then again to locate the desired element as follows:

//SwitchTo mytestTopsubframe
new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)).Until(ExpectedConditions.FrameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt(By.Name("mytestTopsubframe")));
//SwitchTo mytestsubframe
new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)).Until(ExpectedConditions.FrameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt(By.Name("mytestsubframe")));
//Locate the desired element
new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)).Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementToBeClickable(By.XPath("//a[@class='clslogin' and @href='linkref']"))).Click();

Note : You don't have to consider the presence of <frameset> and can safely ignore those tags.

You need to first change to the correct iframe to access the path who are below the iframe. For that you can use driver.SwichtTo().Frame("your frame ID") . If this solution does not work, in this thread may be a solution the thread uses the same lines of code but it search for the parent and child nodes

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