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Python Formatting SQL WHERE clause

I'm having this function that communicates via pymysql to an SQL database stored to my localhost. I know there are similar posts about formatting an SQL section especially this one but could anyone suggest a solution? Always getting TypeError: can't concat tuple to bytes. I suppose it's sth with the WHERE clause.

def likeMovement(pID):
    print("Give a rating for the movement with #id:%s" %pID)
    rate=input("Give from 0-5: ")
    sqlquery='''UDPATE likesartmovement SET likesartmovement.rating=%s WHERE 
    likesartmovement.artisticID=? AND likesartmovement.userID=?''' % (rate,), 

TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

Thanks in advance!

The problem is that you're storing (pID,userID) as part of a tuple stored in sqlquery , instead of passing them as the arguments to execute :

sqlquery='''UDPATE likesartmovement SET likesartmovement.rating=%s WHERE 
    likesartmovement.artisticID=? AND likesartmovement.userID=?''' % (rate,)
cursor.execute(sqlquery, (pID,userID))

It may be clearer to see why these are different if you take a simpler example:

s = 'abc'
spam(s, 2)

s = 'abc', 2

Obviously those two don't do the same thing.

While we're at it:

  • You have to spell UPDATE right.
  • You usually want to use query parameters for SET clauses for exactly the same reasons you want to for WHERE clauses.
  • You don't need to include the table name in single-table operations, and you're not allowed to include the table name in SET clauses in single-table updates.


sqlquery='''UDPATE likesartmovement SET rating=? WHERE 
    artisticID=? AND userID=?'''
cursor.execute(sqlquery, (rating, pID, userID))

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