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Using cypress behind proxy in Jenkins pipeline

I have seen this on github but I was still not able to get cypress to configure/download correctly. In my jenkins pipeline I run npm install but this runs into a timeout because of the proxy. It downloads all other dependencies expect cypress .

What I did was download cypress and put the zip file in the project. I then run sh "setCYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=cypress.zip npm i cypress" but this still fails.

Part that fails in Jenkins pipeline:

   sh "npm config set proxy http://<proxy>"
   sh "npm config set registry http://<proxy>/"
   sh "setCYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=cypress.zip npm i cypress"
   sh "npm i"
   sh "npm run build 

How can I have npm i run without download cypress. I currently cannot get passed this line sh "setCYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=cypress.zip npm i cypress" but I am also concerned npm i will still try to download cypress after setCYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY actually works

-------------------------Update One-----------------

I updated the Jenkinsfile to have CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=cypress.zip npm i but now I get the below error. Cypress.zip is in the project now but would really like to have it uploaded to Jenkins and just reference the file path within my Jenkinsfile.

I am not sure that is possible and the most simple solution is the one I am doing I think however it fails.

New error:

[view] Running shell script


+ npm install

npm WARN locking Error: EIO: i/o error, open '/home/jenkins/.npm/_locks/staging-c21b8f081f002623.lock'

npm WARN locking  /home/jenkins/.npm/_locks/staging-c21b8f081f002623.lock failed { Error: EIO: i/o error, open '/home/jenkins/.npm/_locks/staging-c21b8f081f002623.lock'

npm WARN locking   stack: 'Error: EIO: i/o error, open \'/home/jenkins/.npm/_locks/staging-c21b8f081f002623.lock\'',

npm WARN locking   errno: -5,

npm WARN locking   code: 'EIO',

npm WARN locking   syscall: 'open',

npm WARN locking   path: '/home/jenkins/.npm/_locks/staging-c21b8f081f002623.lock' }

npm ERR! path /home/jenkins/.npm/_locks/staging-c21b8f081f002623.lock

npm ERR! code EIO

npm ERR! errno -5

npm ERR! syscall open

npm ERR! EIO: i/o error, open '/home/jenkins/.npm/_locks/staging-c21b8f081f002623.lock'

script returned exit code 251

I had similar issues on Windows environment. I placed cypress.zip into project's root folder.

npm install cypress --save-dev

So installation did not work, because npm executable looks for cypress in <your project folder>\\node_modules\\cypress\\

Try to set CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY to absolute path.

I'm assuming you're on linux, so the way to set an environment variable is CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY='cypress.zip' ( "set " is only used on Windows)

Cypress will not try to download the binary if it's found on the system, even when running npm install again. By default Cypress downloads the binary to ~/.cache/Cypress , so on subsequent builds Cypress will not have to extract the zip if this directory persists between builds.

The following should work:

CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY='cypress.zip` npm install

no need to explicitly run npm install cypress

Then, ensure the ~/.cache directory is saved after and restored before npm install across builds.


Pre-extract the cypress.zip onto the build system to /Cypress , and use the following:

CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=0 npm install  ## Don't install the binary!
CYPRESS_RUN_BINARY='Cypress/Cypress'  ## this is the Cypress executable!

again, make sure /Cypress persists across builds

What if I don't cache ~/.cache ?

Well, your build will still run, but take significantly longer as Cypress will have to extract its binary on every build . Read more here about caching the binary in CI


Edit: For Question Update

You're still not setting environment variables correctly. This will not work :

npm install

You need to do:

CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY='cypress.zip' npm install

In one line .


export CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY='cypress.zip'
npm install

-> Why here

I created a tool to deal with this problem: https://github.com/tomasbjerre/dictator-cypress-example

You would need to clone this repository and publish your own cypress-dictator to your private npm repository: https://github.com/tomasbjerre/dictator-cypress

It uses dictator builder to, before npm install , copy platform specific zip-files to root of repository and make sure it is pointed at by .npmrc .

  "message": "Copy linux cypress to cypress.zip",
  "triggers": [
      "runningOnPlatform": ["linux"]
  "actions": [
      "copyFrom": "linux-x64.zip",
      "target": "cypress.zip"

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