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In rails how to Insert thousands of records in table

I have created API using Ruby on Rails. when I call an API endpoint to insert more than 1000 records it gets crashed. currently, I am using database Mysql2

my code is

quantity.times do
  User.create(first_name: "John")

where quantity is a number of records need to insert and it can be any number like 10000, 4000000.

can anyone suggest me how can I do this very efficiently without breaking my server


items = []
quantity.times.each do |row|
  items << User.new(name: "john")

Just have a look at these benchmarks to get a sense of just how much faster this option is. Instead of separate transactions, commits, and inserts that a Model.create generates SQL for, this handles it in a single query.


I suggest you can use find_each and specify the batch_size to loop it.

I think it will prevent the crash in case you loop a huge amount of quantity same as your example

try this gem 'activerecord-insert_many' . In the source code, find tests and you can see how to consume the gem.

Thanks, Ajith

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