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Return time to the Jtable

I got a jQuery jTable in my website. In the jTable there is a field test which basically displays date and time. I want to display only the time. So, I have a function like this.

            title:'test time',
                time = data.record.test; // getting from backend
                var d = new Date(time);


When I run the code, it works fine as expected in the console ie It prints the time like this and this is what I am looking for.

8 : 42 : 29
8 : 42 : 39
8 : 43 : 32
8 : 43 : 42
8 : 47 : 48

But when I use return instead of console.log it returns only the seconds, so only the seconds are shown in my jTable like this (29, 39, 32, 42, 48). So how can I return the time with HH:mm:ss in the same format to the jTable.





return d.getHours()+':'+d.getMinutes()+':'+d.getSeconds();

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