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django-cors-headers CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST tuple vs string issue

I'm trying to use django-cors-headers for my project.

It appears when I set CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST as a string it works fine. But when I use it as a tuple it doesn't work. Any idea why? I can't find anything specific in the documentation about the difference between using a tuple or string.

To load the JSON I'm using jQuery $.getJSON()

$.getJSON( "", function( data ) {
  var items = [];
  $.each( data, function( key, val ) {
    items.push( "<li id='" + key + "'>" + val + "</li>" );

  $( "<ul/>", {
    "class": "my-new-list",
    html: items.join( "" )
  }).appendTo( "#foo" );



I was having this same problem. I believe the issue has to do with string encoding. If you change your whitelist to the following it should work for you:


Unfortunately I don't have a "why" for you, but at least this should get you going.

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