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AWS ELB/ALB Multiple SSL Certicifates

我正在寻找在单个AWS ELB / ALB上使用多个ssl证书(超过100个)的方法-如何实现呢?

You can't do this. Not directly.

ELB Classic supports 1 cert per listener and of course only one listener on port 443.

ALB supports 26 certificates (25 plus the default, which is used whenever the incoming SNI is unmatched or absent).

But, certificates can support multiple domains, so that's one way of getting support for more than 25 (+1) domains -- combine the domains onto a smaller number of certs. This is a limit that cannot be increased.

Or, create one CloudFront distribution per certificate, pointing them to the ALB as origin server. This allows you to support as many certs as you want with the services deployed behind one balancer, up to the limits for distributions on your account. The default limit is 200 CloudFront distributions in each account, but this can be increased by request. This can also be used to potentially reduce the load on the instances behind the balancer, since CloudFront can be configured to cache responses.

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