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How to access two arrays as associative array in JavaScript with low overhead?

When returning a table via Ajax, it can be done with column names and row values separately, like this:

let columns = ["col1", "col2", "col3"];
let rows = [
      ["row 1 col 1", "row 1 col 2", "row 1 col 3"]
    , ["row 2 col 1", "row 2 col 2", "row 2 col 3"]
    , ["row 3 col 1", "row 3 col 2", "row 3 col 3"]
    , ["row 4 col 1", "row 4 col 2", "row 4 col 3"]
    , ["row 5 col 1", "row 5 col 2", "row 5 col 3"]

Or as an associative array like this

let rows = [
      { "col1": "row 1 col 1", "col2": "row 1 col 2", "col3": "row 1 col 3" }
    , { "col1": "row 2 col 1", "col2": "row 2 col 2", "col3": "row 2 col 3" }
    , { "col1": "row 3 col 1", "col2": "row 3 col 2", "col3": "row 3 col 3" }
    , { "col1": "row 4 col 1", "col2": "row 4 col 2", "col3": "row 4 col 3" }
    , { "col1": "row 5 col 1", "col2": "row 5 col 2", "col3": "row 5 col 3" }

Now, if there is much data, the first variant will result in less data to transmit.

The problem is, I can't access it like rows[i]["col1] then, as I can with the second variant.

Now, I could just take the rows and the columns, and create an associative array from that, like

let columns = ["col1", "col2", "col3"];

let data = [
      ["row 1 col 1", "row 1 col 2", "row 1 col 3"]
    , ["row 2 col 1", "row 2 col 2", "row 2 col 3"]
    , ["row 3 col 1", "row 3 col 2", "row 3 col 3"]
    , ["row 4 col 1", "row 4 col 2", "row 4 col 3"]
    , ["row 5 col 1", "row 5 col 2", "row 5 col 3"]

let arr = [];

for (let j = 0; j < data.length; ++j)
    let obj = {}; // "associative array" or Object

    for (let i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i)
        obj[columns[i]] = data[j][i];

But then I have to copy the object, which might take time & memory if the rowCount and the columnCount is large.

Is there any good (non-time & non-memory consuming) way to achive this in JavaScript ?

What I would need is indexed properties, but it seems like they don't exist in JavaScript...

The closest I have come is with the proxy object:

let columns = ["col1", "col2", "col3"];
let rows = [
      ["row 1 col 1", "row 1 col 2", "row 1 col 3"]
    , ["row 2 col 1", "row 2 col 2", "row 2 col 3"]
    , ["row 3 col 1", "row 3 col 2", "row 3 col 3"]
    , ["row 4 col 1", "row 4 col 2", "row 4 col 3"]
    , ["row 5 col 1", "row 5 col 2", "row 5 col 3"]

let cols = {}; // "associative array" or Object

for (let i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i)
    cols[columns[i]] = i;

let handler2 = {
    get: function (obj, prop, receiver)
        return obj[cols[prop]];

// https://www.sitepoint.com/es6-proxies/
let handler = {
    get: function (obj, prop, receiver)
        console.log("obj:", obj, "prop:", prop, "receiver :", receiver);
        //return obj[prop];
        //return obj[cols[prop]];
        return new Proxy(obj[prop], handler2);

    , set: function (obj, key, value)
        console.log(obj, key, value);


let p = new Proxy(rows, handler);

The problem here is - apart from that IE11 doesn't support proxy - that I need to create a new proxy on each row access, because it looks like proxy doesn't properly support arrays of objects...

Is there any sane way of solving this particular problem in JavaScript in a good/performant way ?

About the last thing I want is write code like this:

let columns = ["col1", "col2", "col3"];
let rows = [
      ["row 1 col 1", "row 1 col 2", "row 1 col 3"]
    , ["row 2 col 1", "row 2 col 2", "row 2 col 3"]
    , ["row 3 col 1", "row 3 col 2", "row 3 col 3"]
    , ["row 4 col 1", "row 4 col 2", "row 4 col 3"]
    , ["row 5 col 1", "row 5 col 2", "row 5 col 3"]

let cols = {}; // "associative array" or Object

for (let i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i)
    cols[columns[i]] = i;

let index_col1 = cols["col1"];
let index_col2 = cols["col2"];
let index_col3 = cols["col3"];

for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i)
    console.log("col1:", rows[i][index_col1], "col2:", rows[i][index_col2], "col3:", rows[i][index_col3]);

which is what I currently have to do...

May I just suggest two different approaches. It entirely depends on how you actually need to access the data later on.

If you need it "row-per-row" your first approach is not that bad. I just would combine both of them into a single result. Does not make sense to have the column definition in a separate array I guess.

let rows = [
      ["col1", "col2", "col3"],
      ["row 1 col 1", "row 1 col 2", "row 1 col 3"],
      ["row 2 col 1", "row 2 col 2", "row 2 col 3"],
      ["row 3 col 1", "row 3 col 2", "row 3 col 3"],
      ["row 4 col 1", "row 4 col 2", "row 4 col 3"],
      ["row 5 col 1", "row 5 col 2", "row 5 col 3"]

In this approach you have all entries of a row grouped together, and even empty cells are easily treated with null / unedfined values.

If you rather want to access the data "column-per-column" I suggest using an object with the column header as key.

let table = {
    "col1": ["row 1 col 1", "row 2 col 1", ..."],
    "col2": ["row 1 col 2", "row 2 col 2", ..."]

In this approach it is also easily possible (and fast) to get data for a row entry. table['col1'][index]

Ah, got the answer myself.
It is kindof-possible, by creating a class and sharing the current row index between two proxys:

interface IProxyHandler
    get(obj, prop, receiver);

declare class Proxy
    public constructor(obj, handler_callback: IProxyHandler);

interface SomeTable
    col1: string;
    col2: number;
    col3: Date;

export class table<T>

    public obj: T[];
    //public columns: map<string, number>;
    public columns: { [key: string]: number };

    protected i: number;
    protected accessor: Proxy;

    //get bar(): boolean
    //    return null; // this._bar;
    //set bar(theBar: boolean)
    //    //this._bar = theBar;

    public row(index:number): T
        this.i = index;
        return <T><any>this.accessor;

    public rows :T[];

    constructor(rows: any[][], columnNames:string[])
        this.obj = <any>rows;
        this.i = 0;

        // this.columns = columnNames;
        this.columns = {}; // "associative array" or Object

        for (let i = 0; i < columnNames.length; ++i)
            this.columns[columnNames[i]] = i;

        let handler: IProxyHandler = {
            get: function (obj, prop, receiver)
                return this.obj[this.i][this.columns[prop]];

        handler.get = handler.get.bind(this);
        this.row = this.row.bind(this);
        this.accessor = new Proxy(this.obj, handler);

        let handler2: IProxyHandler = {
            get: function (obj, prop, receiver)
                return this.row(prop);
        handler2.get = handler2.get.bind(this);

        this.rows = <any> new Proxy(this.obj, handler2);


// https://caniuse.com/#feat=proxy
// Sorry, your browser is no longer supported. 
// If you want this program to support IE11, develop a proxy-polyfill for IE11. 
// Hint from Babel-docs: ES2015-Proxies requires support on the engine level; 
// it is thus not possible to polyfill Proxy in ES5.
export function testTable()
    let columns = ["col1", "col2", "col3"];
    let rows = [
        ["row 1 col 1", "row 1 col 2", "row 1 col 3"]
        , ["row 2 col 1", "row 2 col 2", "row 2 col 3"]
        , ["row 3 col 1", "row 3 col 2", "row 3 col 3"]
        , ["row 4 col 1", "row 4 col 2", "row 4 col 3"]
        , ["row 5 col 1", "row 5 col 2", "row 5 col 3"]

    let x = new table<SomeTable>(rows, columns);

    // console.log(x.row(1).col1);
    // console.log(x.obj[0][0]);

If I were to use a function, I'd need to do this:

public rowz(index: number, colName: string): any
    this.i = index;
    return this.obj[index][this.columns[colName]];

or this

public rowz(index: number): any
    this.i = index;

    return function (colName)


This has the disadvanages that I would lose compile-time type-safety, both with the columnName as well as with the return type. Or I would need to copy the entiry row into an object, which duplicates data/memory-consumption.

Another option, which is compatible with ES5/IE11, is using object-properties:

interface ITestTable1

interface ITestTable2

export class TableWrapper<T>
    public rows:any[][];
    protected m_accessor:object;
    protected m_i:number;

    protected m_columnMap: { [columnName: string]: number; };
    protected m_columns: string[];
    protected m_columnLength:number;

    public get rowCount(): number
        return this.rows.length;

    public get columnCount(): number
        return this.m_columns.length;

    get columns(): string[]
        return this.m_columns;

    protected setColumns(cols: string[])
        this.m_columnLength = cols.length;

        this.m_columnMap = null;
        this.m_columnMap = {};

        for (let i = 0; i < this.m_columnLength; ++i)
            this.m_columnMap[cols[i]] = i;

        this.m_columns = cols;
    } // End Sub setColumns 

    public row(i:number):T
        this.m_i = i;
        return <T><any>this.m_accessor;

    public getIndex(name:string):number
        return this.m_columnMap[name];

    public addRow(dat:any[])
        return this;

    public removeRow(i:number)
        this.rows.splice(i, 1);
        return this;

    constructor(columns: string[], data: Array<any[]>, ignoreCase?:boolean)
        if (ignoreCase == null)
            ignoreCase = true;

        for (let i = 0; i< columns.length; ++i)
            columns[i] = columns[i].toLowerCase();
        } // Next i 

        let that = this;

        this.rows = data;
        this.m_accessor = { }; // Creates a new object

        for (let i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i)
            let propName = columns[i];

            Object.defineProperty(this.m_accessor, propName, {
                // Using shorthand method names (ES2015 feature). 
                // get() { return bValue;}, 
                // set(value) { bValue = value;}, 
                // This is equivalent to: 
                // get: function() { return bValue; }, 
                // set: function(value) { bValue = value; }, 
                // And could be written as (getter = getter.bind(this)) 
                // get: getter, 
                // set: setter, 
                get: function ()
                    let currentRow =  <any> that.rows[that.m_i];
                    return currentRow == null ? currentRow : currentRow[i]; 
                set: function(value:any) 
                    let currentRow =  <any> that.rows[that.m_i];
                    if (currentRow!= null )
                        currentRow[i] = value; 
                enumerable: true,
                configurable: true
        } // Next i 



let tab: TableWrapper<ITestTable1> = new TableWrapper<ITestTable1>(["col1","col2"], [[1,2], [3,4]]);
// tab.columns=["col1","col2", "col3"];

let hi :TableWrapper<ITestTable2>= new TableWrapper<ITestTable2>(["a","b","c"], [[1,2,3],[4,5,6] ]);


hi.row(0).a = 123;

for (let i = 0; i< hi.rowCount; ++i)
    for (let j=0; j < hi.columnCount; ++j)




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