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Flutter FCM on iOS not calling onMessage and onResume

I was testing FCM for flutter on an iOS device, i followed the guides and i can successfully send notification to my iOS device, the problem is that when i touch the notification neither onResume is not being called, also if the app is in foreground onMessage is not called either. However if the app is closed it does trigger onLaunch

I wonder how can i fix this? or if anyone else is having this problem?

问题是我正在使用另一个插件来处理本地通知(flutter_local_notifications)并且它与 firebase 消息传递发生冲突(该插件在自述文件中说),所以我删除了 flutter_local_notifications 并且 firebase 消息传递开始按预期工作

Did you try setting:


in ios/Runner/info.plist?

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