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Angular 6/Firestore Object Data will not Display in HTML

I have a set of "article" documents stored in an "articles" collection in a Firestore no-SQL database. I am pulling these articles into an Angular 6 (^6.0.3) project using angularfire2 (^5.0.0-rc/10) and firebase (^5.0.4). The data is held in a service as observables and then pulled into various components and converted into objects when needed.

I am having a strange issue when I try to display properties of the object in HTML through interpolation and data binding. It simply does not show anything. I click an article tile from a menu, pass the article id as a string to my service, and then create an observable that points to the article with the corresponding id. I then subscribe to the observable in my component class and store the data as an object. The object prints fine on its own, but if I reference different properties it acts as if there is no data.

This is the code from the controller for my component:

article: any = {};
articleString: string;

selectArticle(articleId: string) {
            this.articlesService.getArticleObs(articleId).subscribe((data) => {
                this.article = data;
                this.articleString = JSON.stringify(this.article);

Which calls this function in the service:

getArticleObs(articleId: string) {
        console.log('article id sent to service: ' + articleId);
        this.articleDoc = this.db.doc(`articles/${articleId}`);
        return this.articleDoc.valueChanges();

and should display here in the HTML:

<ng-template #article>
        <div class="article-body">
            <div fxLayout="row">
                <div class="article-image">
                    <img [src]="article?.game.image">
                <div class="article-header" fxLayout="column">
                    <h1>{{ article?.game?.title }} Review:</h1>
                    <div fxLayout="row">
                        <h2>Title:{{ article?.title }}</h2>
                        <h2>Author:{{ article?.author }}</h2>
            <div class="article-content" [innerHTML]="article?.content"></div>
            <div class="article-comments">
                Comments:{{ article?.comments }}
        <h3>{{ articleString }}</h3>

I can console.log(article) and get a complete object.


I also get a complete object showing on the screen with {{articleString}} but for any of the other interpolation or databinding there is no data.


Can anyone tell me why the HTML thinks that the object properties are empty strings?


I just tried this in my controller:

selectArticle(articleId: string) {
            this.articlesService.getArticleObs(articleId).subscribe((data) => {
                this.article = data;
                console.log(1 + this.article);
                this.articleString = JSON.stringify(this.article);
                console.log(2 + this.article);
            console.log(3 + this.article);

The result in the console makes me think it is an async issue. The 3 prints first with an empty object. The 1 prints next with the complete object and then the 2, also with a complete object.

2 Things you can try (If you haven't already):

1) Use parenthesis (do the same for all your bindings):

<h1>{{ (article)?.game?.title }} Review:</h1>

2) Use the async pipe to unwrap the Observable, change your selectArticle method:

selectArticle(articleId: string) {
  // Don't subscribe here
  this.article = this.articlesService.getArticleObs(articleId);

In the template (do the same for all your bindings):

<h1>{{ (article | async)?.game?.title }} Review:</h1>

Sidenote: You also have a typo in your code, this line:


should not be using this


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