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Use FZF to list git files sorted by date (and set default in bash)

I want to use fzf to list all files in git, sorted by modification date. (I use this output in vim)

This command seems to work:

(while read file; do echo $(git log --pretty=format:%ad -n 1 --date=raw -- $file) $file; done < <(git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD) | sort -k1,1n | awk {"print \$3"}) 2> /dev/nul

But how can I get this as the default FZF command? I tried this, but the variable FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND remains empty:

    (while read file; do echo $(git log --pretty=format:%ad -n 1 --date=raw -- $file) $file; done < <(git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD) | sort -k1,1n | awk {"print \$3"}) 2> /dev/null'

Maybe I need to escape something?

Edit: This is the command I'm now using:

export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='(git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD)|(while read file; do echo $(git log --pretty=format:%ad -n 1 --date=raw -- "$file") $file; done | sort -r | awk {"print \$3"}) 2> /dev/null'

fzf uses /bin/sh (Posix shell) to execute your command . Even if /bin/sh is linked to /bin/bash it will fail on non posix features (like process substitution in your case). You can enforce GNU/bash support:

export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='set +o posix
    (while read file; do echo $(git log --pretty=format:%ad -n 1 --date=raw -- $file) $file; done < <(git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD) | sort -k1,1n | awk {"print \$3"}) 2> /dev/null'

If you don't have bash symlinked to /bin/sh , you have to get rid of the process substitution:

    (git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD)|(while read file; do echo $(git log --pretty=format:%ad -n 1 --date=raw -- $file) $file; done | sort -k1,1n | awk {"print \$3"}) 2> /dev/null'

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