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laravel select raw not working on some models

I am caught in a very weird situation as there is something in my query that won't work if the value of whereHas is changed. To explain it better, first, look at this query:

$table_data = Pengelola::with('pekerjaan_aktif.cu','pendidikan_tertinggi')
->whereHas('pekerjaan', function($query) use ($id,$tipe){
    (SELECT name from pengelola_pekerjaan WHERE pengelola.id = pengelola_pekerjaan.id_pengelola) as pekerjaan_name,
    (SELECT tingkat from pengelola_pekerjaan WHERE pengelola.id = pengelola_pekerjaan.id_pengelola) as pekerjaan_tingkat,
    (SELECT name from pengelola_pendidikan WHERE pengelola.id = pengelola_pendidikan.id_pengelola) as pendidikan_name,
    (SELECT tingkat from pengelola_pendidikan WHERE pengelola.id = pengelola_pendidikan.id_pengelola) as pendidikan_tingkat

What it does is... I have 3 different table one is pengelola , pengelola_pendidikan that I called in with as pendidikan_tertinggi , pengelola_pekerjaan that I called in with as pekerjaan_aktif and in whereHas as pekerjaan .

and to more understand it here are my three models:

this is pengelola model

class Pengelola extends Model {

    use FilterPaginateOrder, LogsActivity;

    protected $table = 'pengelola';

    protected static $logFillable = true;

    public static $rules = [
        'email' =>  'email'

    protected $fillable = [

    protected $filter = [

    public function getNameAttribute($value){
        return !empty($value) ? $value : '-';

    public static function initialize()
        return [
            'nim' => '','nik' => '','name' => '','tempat_lahir' => '','tanggal_lahir' => '','kelamin' => '','agama' => '','status' => '','alamat' => '','hp' => '','email' => '','darah' => '','tinggi' => '','berat' => '','kontak' => ''

    public function pendidikan(){
        return $this->hasMany('App\PengelolaPendidikan','id_pengelola','id');

    public function pendidikan_tertinggi(){
        return $this->hasOne('App\PengelolaPendidikan','id_pengelola','id')->orderBy('tingkat','desc')->latest();

    public function pekerjaan(){
        return $this->hasMany('App\PengelolaPekerjaan','id_pengelola','id');

    public function pekerjaan_aktif(){
        return $this->hasOne('App\PengelolaPekerjaan','id_pengelola','id')->where('sekarang','1')->orWhere('selesai','>',date('Y-m-d'))->latest();

    public function keluarga(){
        return $this->hasMany('App\PengelolaKeluarga','id_pengelola','id');

    public function anggotacu(){
        return $this->hasMany('App\PengelolaAnggotaCU','id_pengelola','id');

    public function organisasi(){
        return $this->hasMany('App\PengelolaOrganisasi','id_pengelola','id');

this is pengelola_pendidikan

class PengelolaPendidikan extends Model {

    use FilterPaginateOrder, LogsActivity;

    protected $table = 'pengelola_pendidikan';

    protected static $logFillable = true;

    protected $fillable = [

    protected $filter = [

    public function getNameAttribute($value){
        return !empty($value) ? $value : '-';

    public static function initialize()
        return [
             'name' => '','tingkat' => '','tempat' => '','mulai' => '','selesai' => '','sekarang' => ''


and here is pengelola_pekerjaan

class PengelolaPekerjaan extends Model {

    use FilterPaginateOrder, LogsActivity;

    protected $table = 'pengelola_pekerjaan';

    protected static $logFillable = true;

    protected $fillable = [

    protected $filter = [

    public function getNameAttribute($value){
        return !empty($value) ? $value : '-';

    public static function initialize()
        return [
            'id_tempat' => 0,'tipe' => '','name' => '','tingkat' => '','mulai' => '','selesai' => '','sekarang' => ''

    public function pengelola(){
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Pengelola','id_pengelola','id');

    public function lembaga(){
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Lembaga','id_tempat','id')->select(array('id','name'));

    public function cu(){
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Cu','id_tempat','id')->select(array('id','no_ba','name'))->withTrashed();


and as you can see in whereHas I am using 2 external variables which are $tipe and $id , so this query is working fine if my $tipe = 1 but when my $tipe is not 1 then it won't return anything.

and then if I change my $table_data query to be this (only remove select at pengelola_pendidikan ) then it will work for any $tipe

$table_data = Pengelola::with('pekerjaan_aktif.cu','pendidikan_tertinggi')
    ->whereHas('pekerjaan', function($query) use ($id,$tipe){
        (SELECT name from pengelola_pekerjaan WHERE pengelola.id = pengelola_pekerjaan.id_pengelola) as pekerjaan_name,
        (SELECT tingkat from pengelola_pekerjaan WHERE pengelola.id = pengelola_pekerjaan.id_pengelola) as pekerjaan_tingkat

So what is really happen? and for those who wonder why I need this kind of select, it is because I need to have a column alias that appears at the root of the returned json for my trait FilterPaginateOrder that handles searching, sorting, pagination. and to do that I need to have pekerjaan_name instead of pekerjaan_aktif.name (for example) for sorting purpose to this trait.

trait FilterPaginateOrder {

    protected $operators = [
        'equal_to' => '=',
        'not_equal' => '<>',
        'less_than' => '<',
        'greater_than' => '>',
        'less_than_or_equal_to' => '<=',
        'greater_than_or_equal_to' => '>=',
        'in' => 'IN',
        'not_in' => 'NOT_IN',
        'like' => 'LIKE',
        'between' => 'BETWEEN'

    public function scopeFilterPaginateOrder($query)
        $request = request();

        $v = Validator::make($request->all(), [
            'column' => 'required|in:'.implode(',', $this->filter),
            'direction' => 'required|in:asc,desc',
            'per_page' => 'required|integer|min:1',
            'search_operator' => 'required|in:'.implode(',', array_keys($this->operators)),
            'search_column' => 'required|in:'.implode(',', $this->filter),
            'search_query_1' => 'max:255',
            'search_query_2' => 'max:255'

        if($v->fails()) {

            //for debug
            // dd($v->messages());

        return $query->orderBy($request->column, $request->direction)
            ->where(function($query) use ($request) {
                // check if search query is empty
                if($request->has('search_query_1')) {
                    // determine the type of search_column
                    // check if its related model, eg: customer.id
                    if($this->isRelatedColumn($request)) {
                        list($relation, $relatedColumn) = explode('.', $request->search_column);
                        return $query->whereHas($relation, function($query) use ($relatedColumn, $request) {
                            return $this->buildQuery(
                    } else {
                        // regular column
                        return $this->buildQuery(

    protected function isRelatedColumn($request)
        return strpos($request->search_column, '.') !== false;

    protected function buildQuery($column, $operator, $request, $query)
        switch ($operator) {
            case 'equal_to':
            case 'not_equal':
            case 'less_than':
            case 'greater_than':
            case 'less_than_or_equal_to':
            case 'greater_than_or_equal_to':
                $query->where($column, $this->operators[$operator], $request->search_query_1);
            case 'in':
                $query->whereIn($column, explode(',', $request->search_query_1));
            case 'not_in':
                $query->whereNotIn($column, explode(',', $request->search_query_1));
            case 'like':
                $query->where($column, 'like', '%'.$request->search_query_1.'%');
            case 'between':
                $query->whereBetween($column, [
                throw new Exception('Invalid Search Operator', 1);

        return $query;

So what I need is a solution for having a root field that created from select as from relation table column ( pendidikan_name instead of pendidikan_tertinggi.name and also cu_name instead of pekerjaan_aktif.cu.name at my json return) for it to work with my FilterPaginateOrder trait.

To me this is more about joins and a SQL issue than Laravel Eloquent's problem.

Try to debug with DB::connection()->enableQueryLog(); at the begining of the code, and after the call to you model, you can use DB::getQueryLog() So this way you will be able to check the generated query and fix whatever is causing the issue.

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