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How to assign individual attributes to Any Logic Agents

I would like to solve the following issue:

  • agent based model with a population of 500 agents
  • each agent gets assigned with an ID number using a variable called v_agentID using the order v_agentID++; after being created
  • The agent should then be further processed based on a condition monitoring the individual waiting time

How can I assign individual attributes like waiting times (as a result of the calculation waitingTime=waitingTimeEnd-waitingTimeStart)to each individual agent?

Thanks a lot for your help.


Many ways:

1) create a cyclical event on the individual agent that calculates waitingTime with the formula you provided
2) create a dynamic variable for each agent and make it equal to waitingTimeEnd-waitingTimeStart
3) create the variable whenever you want and change it in all the agents:

for(Agent a : agents){

4) Find the agent with the id you want and assign the variable to it

Agent theAgent=findFirst(agents,a->a.id=theIdYouWant);

5) If you know the index of the agent just do


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