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Regular Expressions Struts 1.3 Action Mapping

I am working on a project using Struts 1.3 from what I can tell, given that this is at the top of the struts-config-default.xml file:

<!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC 
    "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.3//EN" 

Is there any way to go about mapping a wildcard for an action forward to a jsp file? I have tried all sorts of wildcard variations:

<action path="/hello/candy" type="com.officedepot.globalweb.framework.action.ForwardDisplayAction">
        <forward name="success" path="/WEB-INF/jsp/candyStore.jsp" />

I have a single page application that gets loaded in the 'candyStore.jsp' so i would like all and any URIs after /hello/candy to route to the same JSP. (eg. www.site.com/hello/candy/pageOne, www.site.com/hello/candy/33/jellybean, www.site.com/hello/candy/test all should forward to the jsp candyStore)

Is this at all possible using Struts 1.3 or should I be writing all the possible routes :(


In your action file

public ActionForward unspecified(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request , HttpServletResponse response) 
            throws Exception{

        //Perform any code here like error 404.
        return mapping.findForward("unspecified");

In your struts action path in config file

<forward name="unspecified" path="/candyStore.jsp"/>

About 30 seconds on Google:


  <action path="/*Action" type="com.vaannila.reports.{1}Action" name="{1}Form">
    <forward name="success" path="/{1}.jsp" />

You would not require the wildcard in the forward's path .

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