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How package node addon into asar archive with electron-packager?

How can I add node addon (which is used in renderer process!) into asar archive with electron-packager? Webpack generate files:


And then after:

electron-packager ./ --out=./builds --asar --platform=win32 --arch=x64

I don't have addon.node in asar archive.

I tried reproducing the issue but my .node file and electron-packager v12.1.1 and saw that my addon.node file was still correctly in the asar archive. How are you checking that the asar archive doesn't contain your addon.node file? I ran asar extract app.asar to find my node.

Maybe try electron-packager with the --no-prune flag. If your package is required through your devDependencies, then it will be pruned by default.

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