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How to add styles .css files from .angular-cli.json into karma unit test

I'm using ag-grid v.17 and in order for it to show the grid correctly, I had to import ag-grid .css in .angular-cli.json, but when I'm creating a testBed in karma unit test, how can I add those css files?

styles I added in .angular-cli.json

  "styles": [

You can add it inside your karma.config.js file

files: [
  { pattern: './src/app.scss', watched: true,  included: true, served: true }
preprocessors: {
  './src/styles.scss': ['scss']

You might also have to add preprocessors for karma

npm install karma-scss-preprocessor node-sass --save-dev

Reference: How to configure Karma to include global scss files for an angular-cli project?

Another reference: Angular 4 Karma Loading CSS in Unit Testing

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