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Respond with script from a Rails API app with limited middleware (config.api_only = true)?

I have a Rails 5 app build as an api app . So by default it only responds with json.

But for one specific request I need the app to respond with a script.

In a regular Rails app I would simply put my script in a js.erb file. This won't work here.

If my controller action looks like this:

def respond_with_js

and I request the app like this:


it responds with 204 No Content :

Started GET "/respond_with_js" for at 2018-06-27 20:28:44 +0200
Processing by ApplicationController#respond_with_js as */*
Completed 204 No Content in 0ms

How do I work around this?

You cannot request as script, if rails server is only api version.

Rails by default responds json.

def respond_with_json
   render json: {message: "works"}, status: :ok

To request it, you need to request as json dataType:

    url: "https://myapp.example.com/respond_with_json",
    method: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    success: function(res){

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