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Create Nested If else in AWS Cloud Formation Template

I am creating and attaching EC2 instance with Load Balancer in my CloudFormation template. here instances in Load Balancer resource.

"Instances" : [
    "Fn::If": ["AttachLoadBalancerToServer1",
        "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ServerStack1", "Outputs.Server1" ],
        "Fn::If": ["AttachLoadBalancerToServer2",
          "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ServerStack2", "Outputs.Server1" ],

I want to use this if else pattern in this:

"Instances" =  "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ServerStack1", "Outputs.Server1" ],
else if(AttachLoadBalancerToServer2){
"Instances" =  "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ServerStack2", "Outputs.Server1" ],
"Instances" =  "",

Any body can help me writing IF ELSEIF structure in this template? I am able to add one condition but not able to find how to use the second condition within one condition.

Thank you

I achieved the nested IF by adding the following structure in AWS CloudFormaiton template:

    "Instances" : [
        "Fn::If": ["AttachLoadBalancerToServer1",
            "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ServerStack1", "Outputs.Server1" ],
            "Fn::If": ["AttachLoadBalancerToServer2",
              "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ServerStack2", "Outputs.Server1" ],
            },{ "Ref" : "AWS::NoValue"}

This worked well for me. I am posting answer because if someone stuck in future about the same problem my answer might help him.

Here's a yaml example

    - IsPlacementStrategyConfigured
      - IsPlacementStrategiesConfigured
        - Type: !Ref PlacementStrategyType
          Field: !Ref PlacementStrategyField
        - Type: !Ref PlacementStrategyType2
          Field: !Ref PlacementStrategyField2
        - Type: !Ref PlacementStrategyType
          Field: !Ref PlacementStrategyField
    - !Ref AWS::NoValue

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