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PHP shell_exec doesn't execute

I'm having this huge headache that is making some buttons on my webserver that stops/start/restart my ElasticSearch service when needed. I've looked up a lot on the internet and not found anything like my problem.

Here is the shell that I'm trying to execute:


$name = $_POST["name"];

//the script to check the service status of ElasticSearch (which works fine btw)
$status = shell_exec("systemctl status elasticsearch");

//I use a simple regex to get from the above script's output if the status of the service is "running" or not
preg_match("/\bactive\s+\K\S+/", $status, $result);

switch ($name){
    case "start":
        $shell = shell_exec("sh ../../../../scripts/startElasticsearch.sh");
        echo $shell;
        if($result[0] == "(running)"){
            echo "Node started successfully.";
    case "restart":
        $shell = shell_exec("sh ../../../../scripts/restartElasticsearch.sh");
        echo $shell;
        if($result[0] == "(running)"){
            echo "Node restarted successfully.";
    case "stop":
        $shell = shell_exec("sh ../../../../scripts/stopElasticsearch.sh");
        echo $shell;
        if($result[0] !== "(running)"){
            echo "Node stopped successfully.";

This is the shell script of the 3 .sh files that I wrote:

systemctl start elasticsearch

systemctl restart elasticsearch

systemctl stop elasticsearch

I've already changed all permissions to execute the shell (like chmod 755 and so on...).

Now here is the trippy part: when I was debugging the execution of the shell, I've tried to echo a "Hello World" so I can be sure that my php script was working fine (since systemctl start/restart/stop elasticsearch doesn't output anything) And it worked all fine. I've got the "Hello World" answer from the script on a toast when clicked the button. But nothing else from the 3 scripts above (I was monitoring the service status via Kibana).

Any ideas?

After some more digging, i found this article that answered my question. It was only a simple mistake of using sh on the script that was causing the problem. Thank you all for your time!

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