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Eclipse Php : variable undefined evenif it is defined in an require_once php file

I am using as a beginner : Eclipse IDE for PHP Developers Version: Photon Release (4.8.0) Build id: 20180619-1200 OS: Windows 10, v.10.0, x86_64 / win32 Java version: 1.8.0_77

I have a file index.php with a require_once (initialisation.php) The initialisation.php defines a variable $Modeles_Chemin And the variable $Modeles_Chemin is used in index.php (after the require_once )

On my website, it works fine no undefined variable but in eclipse editor I receive an undefined variable .

(Of course I have the same problem with the other variables).

Here is an extract : index.php :


initialisation_site.php :

        $Contenu_Chemin = "contenu/";
$Modeles_Chemin = $Contenu_Chemin."modeles/";

How can I fix this ?


You can use global :


global $Modeles_Chemin;
global $Modeles_Nom;


If you want to get rid of these warnings you may consider putting this kind of comment on the top of the file:

/** @var Type $variable */

This is a workaround but I find it to be a good approach. This kind of a comment is letting me know that I am using a variable that is defined in a different file.

This probably means that Eclipse does not understand that those variables are defined in the file that you import with require_once .

Maybe it is possible to switch the annotation for undefined variables off in the Eclipse settings? But then you'd also not see warnings for other undefined variables.

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