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ANT - PLSQL execution error

I have a bunch of sql scripts (some sql and some plsql) to be executed using ant . Before I start the execution, I need to make sure that the files are executable. So I run the following target to create sql and plsql executable from ant.

    <copy todir="${migration.scripts.dir}\temp\">
      <fileset dir="${migration.scripts.dir}" includes="*.sql"/>
        <replaceregex byline="false" pattern=";" replace="${line.separator}/" flags="mg"/>
        <replaceregex byline="false" pattern="/[\s]*/" replace=";${line.separator}/"  flags="mg"/>

And the PLSQL in the file a file is something like this -

     FOR c IN 
       dbms_utility.blah ; 
     END LOOP; 

that when ant target makeExecutableSQLs runs outputs -

 FOR c IN 

but this when running later fails due to this error -

Error starting at line : 1 in command - BEGIN FOR c IN --query LOOP dbms_utility.blah Error report - ORA-06550: line 9, column 135: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "end-of-file" when expecting one of the following:

  := . ( % ; 06550. 00000 - "line %s, column %s:\\n%s" *Cause: Usually a PL/SQL compilation error. *Action: Error starting at line : 11 in command - END LOOP Error report - Unknown Command Commit complete. Error starting at line : 15 in command - END Error report - Unknown Command Error starting at line : 16 in command - Error report - Unknown Command 

Cant put a finger on where the error is?

The PL/SQL errors are thrown because you have replaced semicolon PL/SQL statement separators with block terminators.

When the compiler sees the / it terminates and executes the command in the buffer, so it sees and tries to compile and run

 FOR c IN 

as a standalone complete PL/SQL block. As the error you get from that

ORA-06550: line 9, column 135: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "end-of-file" ...

indicates that apparently-complete block ends before it is supposed to. There is no semicolon statement terminator after blah , but also no end loop or end for the block - in that code it is trying to execute. It hasn't seen the rest of the script, effectively.

It then carries on and tries to interpret the next chunk


which is also invalid; the client doesn't even try to execute that because it doesn't know what to do with it.

Then the next chunk


is successfully run as a plain SQL (transaction control) statement, not in a PL/SQL context.

And so on.

In short, you cannot replace semicolons with slashes within a PL/SQL block as they do very different things. In plain SQL they are interchangeable (or rather, to most clients they are; at least by default - even in SQL*Plus you can change the SQL terminator from a semicolon to something else).

The client still handles the slash after a PL/SQL block, and when it sees that it sends the block to the DB to be executed. But while it knows it is inside a block it knows any semicolons it sees are part of the PL/SQL language and it shouldn't try to interpret them.

This is referred to in the SQL*Plus documentation for running PL/SQL blocks , and other clients tend to behave in similar ways.

Execute the current subprogram with a RUN or slash ( / ) command. A semicolon ( ; ) is treated as part of the PL/SQL subprogram and will not execute the command.

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