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How to see which gcc options are use by CMake?


  1. There is cmake-gui , which will print you all variables which are used in your current project.

  2. If you are in the process of building, you can execute make VERBOSE=1 to see the actual commands (including the flags of course)

Turning my comments into an answer

The defaults for GNU are defined in Modules/Compiler/GNU.cmake :

 # Initial configuration flags. string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_INIT " ") string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_DEBUG_INIT " -g") string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL_INIT " -Os -DNDEBUG") string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_RELEASE_INIT " -O3 -DNDEBUG") string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO_INIT " -O2 -g -DNDEBUG") 

But the rest really depends on the platform/compiler you are using. So you have to run a CMake "hello world" project to see what is used (see @hellow's answer).


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