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How to position elements to bottom of a Toolbar using DrawerNavigator for React-Native

I am using DrawerNavigator for React-Native, and inside the Drawer the following CustomDrawerContentComponent...

const uiTheme = {
  palette: {
    primaryColor: COLOR.blue500,
  toolbar: {
    container: {
      height: 80,

const propTypes = {
  navigation: PropTypes.shape({
    goBack: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

const CustomDrawerContentComponent = props => (
      onLeftElementPress={() => this.props.navigation.goBack()}
          avatar={<Avatar text="K" />}
            dense: true,
            centerElement: {
              primaryText: 'Account',
              secondaryText: 'xxxx@yahoo.com',
            rightElement: 'arrow-drop-down',
      <DrawerItems {...props} />

const MainRoot = DrawerNavigator(
    Login: {
      path: '/login',
      screen: Login,
    Profile: {
      path: '/profile',
      screen: Profile,
    Settings: {
      path: '/settings',
      screen: Settings,
    initialRouteName: 'Settings',
    contentOptions: {
      activeTintColor: '#2089b0',
      activeBackgroundColor: 'transparent',
      inactiveTintColor: '#000000',
      inactiveBackgroundColor: 'transparent',
      labelStyle: {
        fontSize: 18,
        marginLeft: 0,
        fontFamily: 'sans-serif-thin',
    drawerWidth: SCREEN_WIDTH * 0.8,
    contentComponent: CustomDrawerContentComponent,
    drawerOpenRoute: 'DrawerOpen',
    drawerCloseRoute: 'DrawerClose',
    drawerToggleRoute: 'DrawerToggle',

export default class AppContainer extends Component {
  render() {    
    return (
      <ThemeContext.Provider value={getTheme(uiTheme)}>
        <MainRoot />


What I want to do is position the elements of the Toolbar toward the bottom...

Side Menu

How does one do this..? (Sorry relatively new to React-Native...)

Also the code onLeftElementPress={() => this.props.navigation.goBack()} returns null for this.props.navigation.

Is something need to be passed in..?


Am using react-native-material-ui, so Toolbar has leftElementContainer and centerElementContainer elements. So they can be styled using:

const uiTheme = {
  palette: {
    primaryColor: COLOR.blue500,
  toolbar: {
    container: {
      height: 80,
    leftElementContainer: {
      marginTop: 20,
    centerElementContainer: {
      marginTop: 20,

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