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Refresh page without form resubmit

this is probably very simple but im really new to php and js i made a comment system for my site but i have an issue that i cant figure out

//comment section
$commentsArray = array();

$commentQuery_run = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE PostID='$userPostId'");
if (mysqli_num_rows($commentQuery_run) > 0) {
  echo "<b id='commcount'>Comments:".mysqli_num_rows($commentQuery_run).
  while ($commentRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($commentQuery_run)) {
    $commentID = $commentRow['id'];
    $commentUsername = $commentRow['username'];
    $commentUserPfpPath = $commentRow['path'];
    $commentContent = $commentRow['text'];
    $commentDate = $commentRow['date'];
    $commentsArray[] = $commentContent;

    echo "html for displaying the comments";
} else {
  echo "<b id='commcount'>No comments! Be the first one to comment!</b>";

if ($isLoggedIn === true) {
  echo "<form id='commForm' method='POST' action=''> <
    input id = 'commTextInp'
  type = 'text'
  placeholder = 'Your comment...'
  name = 'commentText' > < br >
    input id = 'commSubmInp'
  type = 'submit'
  name = 'commentSubmit'
  value = 'Post Comment' >
} else {
  echo "<b id='commcount'>Please Login In to comment!</b>";
//comment section

//coment process
if (isset($_POST['commentSubmit'])) {
  if (isset($_POST['commentText']) && !empty($_POST['commentText'])) {

    $postCommentUsername = $_SESSION['username'];
    $postCommentPfpImg = $_SESSION['pfpimg'];
    $postCommentContents = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, htmlentities($_POST['commentText'], ENT_QUOTES));
    $postCommentDate = date("d/m/Y H:i");

    if (!in_array($postCommentContents, $commentsArray)) {
      $postCommentQuery_run = mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO comments VALUES('','$userPostId','$postCommentUsername','$postCommentPfpImg','$postCommentContents','$postCommentDate')");

      if ($postCommentQuery_run === true) {
        echo "<script> window.location.reload() </script>";
      } else {
        echo "<b style='color:red;'>Error while submitting comment!</b>";
    } else {
      echo "<b style='color:red;'>Please don't repeat yourself/other users!</b>";
  } else {
    echo "<b style='color:red;'>Please write something in your comment and try again</b>";
echo "</center>";
//comment process

every time i submit the form i get the "please dont repeat yourself/other users" error. why? does the window.location.reload() function also re-submit the form? or im I doing something completely wrong? and is there any better method for reloading the site? as it might be obvious i need to reload the page so that the new comment shows up. again, im really new to php/js/html so please explain why my code isnt working the way its supposed to. my guess is that the reload() method resubmits the form (excuse my bad english)

You better should place your POST-processing code in header of file, and you will be able to use header() redirect. To show error, you can use some flag; see:

                // here we store all our comments
                $commentsArray = [];

                $commentQuery_run = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM comments WHERE PostID='$userPostId'");
                while($commentRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($commentQuery_run)){
                   $commentsArray[] = $commentRow;

              //coment process
                    if(isset($_POST['commentText']) && !empty($_POST['commentText'])){

                        $postCommentUsername = $_SESSION['username'];
                        $postCommentPfpImg = $_SESSION['pfpimg'];
                        $postCommentContents = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, htmlentities($_POST['commentText'], ENT_QUOTES));
                        $postCommentDate = date("d/m/Y H:i");

                        if(! array_search($postCommentContents, array_column($commentsArray, 'text')) ){
                            $postCommentQuery_run = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO comments VALUES('','$userPostId','$postCommentUsername','$postCommentPfpImg','$postCommentContents','$postCommentDate')");

                            if($postCommentQuery_run === true){
                                header("Location: " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
                            else {
                                $is_error = 'ERROR';
                            $is_error = 'DUPLICATE';
                        $is_error = 'NO_DATA';

and next, in the old place (in the middle of page) you can show error:

if(isset($is_error)) {
    switch($is_error) {
         case 'DUPLICATE':
             echo "<b style='color:red;'>Please don't repeat yourself/other users!</b>";
         case 'NO_DATA': 
             echo "<b style='color:red;'>Please write something in your comment and try again</b>";
             echo "<b style='color:red;'>Error while submitting comment!</b>";

// ...........

                // PRINT ALL COMMENTS HERE
                    echo "<b id='commcount'>Comments:" . count($commentsArray) . "</b>";
                    foreach($commentsArray as $comment){

                        // $comment contains all your db-fields
                        echo "html for displaying the comments";
                    echo "<b id='commcount'>No comments! Be the first one to comment!</b>";

every time i submit the form i get the "please dont repeat yourself/other users" error. why?

if(! in_array($postCommentContents,    $commentsArray)) 

for first comment is true because:

if(mysqli_num_rows($commentQuery_run) > 0) 

for first comment is false and commentsArray is empty.

The technical post webpages of this site follow the CC BY-SA 4.0 protocol. If you need to reprint, please indicate the site URL or the original address.Any question please contact:yoyou2525@163.com.

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