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PHP - Array to XML with CDATA

I need to create an xml to send via soap, but I can not. I need an xml with a CDATA tag and I can not do it. The xml must be in this format:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ser="url-here">

I tried to create an array to generate the xml, this works, but without the CDATA, like this:

$soapArgs = array(
    'xml' => array(
    //need CDATA here
        'fruits' => array(
            'type' => 'G',
            'flav' => 'grape',
            'orders' => array(
                'order' => array(
                    'client' => 12345,
                    'itens' => array(
                        'item' => array(
                            'cod' => 1,
                            'name' => 'Grape',
                        'item' => array(
                            'cod' => 2,
                            'name' => 'Apple',

$soapClient = new SoapClient($params);
$serviceResponse = $soapClient->callServiceMethod($soapArgs);

How do I generate this xml with CDATA to be able to send via SOAP?

Thank you guys!

As discussed under What does <![CDATA[]]> in XML mean? a CDATA section is a way of including a string in an XML document without it being parsed. Everything from <fruits> to </fruits> is therefore not part of the actual XML document ; as far as the SOAP request is concerned, it's just a string.

(This kind of thing is quite common in SOAP services, because people find it easier to parse the payload outside of their SOAP code, so they use SOAP as a large wrapper around arbitrary content. It could just as well be <json><![CDATA[{"foo": "bar"}]]></json> or some other format of payload.)

Assuming the owner of the SOAP service hasn't done something really weird, this:


should be completely equivalent to this:


The function creating the XML will handle escaping the string, or wrapping it in CDATA, so all you should need is:

$xml = '<fruits>
$soapArgs = array('xml' => $xml);

How you create the string $xml is, obviously, up to you.

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