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HtmlEditorExtender Image Upload Error in asp.net

I've encountered an error when uploading an image using htmleditorextender.

Below is the error message:

pics.png (image/png) - 616.51 kb (error)

Below is the code that I used in code behind.

protected void HtmlEditorExtender3_ImageUploadComplete(object sender, AjaxFileUploadEventArgs e)
    string fullpath = Server.MapPath("~/pictures/") + e.FileName;
    e.PostedUrl = Page.ResolveUrl("~/pictures/") + e.FileName;


And below is my code in the aspx page.

<asp:HtmlEditorExtender TargetControlID="Textbox1" ID="HtmlEditorExtender3" runat="server" DisplaySourceTab="true" EnableSanitization="False"  OnImageUploadComplete="HtmlEditorExtender3_ImageUploadComplete">
                                <asp:Undo />
                                <asp:Redo />
                                <asp:Bold />
                                <asp:Italic />
                                <asp:Underline />
                                <asp:InsertUnorderedList />
                                <asp:ForeColorSelector />
                                <asp:JustifyLeft />
                                <asp:JustifyCenter />
                                <asp:JustifyRight />
                                <asp:CreateLink />

Also , I've noticed that it does not also go to the debug part. When I use debugging.

I already solve it guys. What I did is to make some few changes in my web.Config file.

Below are the changes that I made:

1. <system.web>
    <trust level="Full"/>

2. <remove name="AjaxFileUploadHandler" />
      <add name="AjaxFileUploadHandler" verb="*" path="AjaxFileUploadHandler.axd" type="AjaxControlToolkit.AjaxFileUploadHandler, AjaxControlToolkit" />

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