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Primefaces Command button causes page reloading

I am working an primefaces application, I am using Primefaces 5.x version, Jsf 2.x

which has tabview in one of the tabs I have command button, by clicking on it pdf export should happen.

For the first time click on button page is getting reloaded, from the second time on words request is going to bean page and downloading is working correctly.

this is my code snippet for command button :

<h:form id="mainForm">

<p:tabView id="myId" activeIndex="#{bean.currentTabIndex}" dynamic="true" cache="false">

<p:tab title="vehicle" id="vehId" styleClass="panelBack">
    <h:form id="exportForm">
       // some code

<p:commandButton value="export"  process="@this"  actionListener="# {bean.export()}" ajax="false" id="exportButton" />


If I make dynamic = false, it's working. I mean after clicking export button request is going to bean class, export is working.

What would be the problem? Can somebody help me?

Thank you


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