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android.os.TransactionTooLargeException: data parcel size 565156 bytes

I have viewpager with fragmens, after so many scrolls app getting crashed by saying follwing , even their is no bundle exchange

while monitoring i found this following keys making the crash

 * android:support:fragments = 561.3 KB
    * android:fragments = 0.4 KB
    * com.google.firebase.analytics.screen_service = 0.2 KB
    * android:lastAutofillId = 0.1 KB
    * android:viewHierarchyState = 3.0 KB

these are all defalut, i am not assigning any bundle how can i fix this issue.

This issue can be fixed by clearing saved Bundle data like below

protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle InstanceState) {

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