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Client Lifecycle events in ASP.NET Core SignalR

I'm currently upgrading a project from ASP.NET SignalR 2.2.3 (OWIN) to ASP.NET Core SignalR 1.0.2 (Kestrel).

SignalR 2.2.3 supported several client sided lifetime events like reconnecting , connectionSlow , stateChanged , ... . Our javascript client used those events and displayed something like "Reconnecting" or "Connection is currently slow".

Are there or will there be equivalents in ASP.NET Core SignalR? I only found two lifetime events so far:

let c = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder().("/signalR");
c.connection.onClose(function(error) {});
c.connection.onReceive(function(data) {});

I also saw this question , but the user only asked for the onClose event.

And no, I'm not looking for server sided lifetime events .

Update - Reconnect events

Okay since there is no reconnect (yet?) according to the docs and this Github issue , I'm okay with the missing Reconnecting and Reconnected . But what about connectionSlow , starting and stateChanged ?

Looks like currently there are only 2 states for a HubConnection :

  • Disconnected
  • Connected

Those states are exposed through a state property in the connection but there are no states for anything else.

However, there is an ILogger instance that is used prominently throughout the standard operations. A custom ILogger can be provided to the HubConnectionBuilder via the configureLogging method. You can use your custom logger to capture all the individual events and react accordingly.

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