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IIS Rewrite rule - if path does not have query string

How do I write IIS Rewrite rule if path does not have query string and any capital letter exists in path then redirect to same path with lower case ?

redirects to: http://localhost:62871/second.aspx/test?X=Y

Following rule works but it lower cases the querystring too:

            <rule name="LowerCaseRule1" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="[A-Z]" ignoreCase="false" />
                <action type="Redirect" url="{ToLower:{URL}}" />

The variable URL contains the entire url - so ToLower is lower casing the entire url.

To get the desired behaviour you need to create the action 's url manually from multiple server variables.

Available variables include {HTTP_HOST} , {PATH_INFO} and {QUERY_STRING} , you can then apply the lowercase function to whichever variables you require.

When creating the final url you also need to include the seperators : , / , ? between the variables to get a valid url.

See this page for quick overview of variables: https://weblogs.asp.net/owscott/url-parts-available-to-url-rewrite-rules

See here for full rewrite module docs: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/iis/extensions/url-rewrite-module/url-rewrite-module-configuration-reference

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