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Python 3.7 - activate venv error Parameter format not correct 65001 WINDOWS

I just updated my python version to 3.7 but every time i activate my virtualenv i got the following error message: parameter format not correct - 65001

Anybody knows what this mean and how to solve this issue?

Thanks in advance!

I have had the same Issue. It only happened in Powershell. Windows CMD worked just fine. And use activate.bat and not activate (without bat). I hope this helps.

I currently had the same issue. Please check this page here and this bug report .

The issue can be solved by modifying the codepage grep of activate.bat: for /f "tokens=2 delims=:." %%a in ('"%SystemRoot%\\System32\\chcp.com"') do (...

Just add the "." after "delims=:" in your activate.bat file. That worked for me.

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