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Cannot set tabindex on ASP:LinkButton

I have an ASP Web Forms project with a LinkButton control. I try to set the tabindex in the control's property grid and it adds it to the code, however when I compile and run the page the tabindex is gone. The reason I need a tabindex (tabindex="0") is to make this linkbutton tabbable.

I also tried with tabindex 1 and tabindex 2.

Here is my .ascx control:

 <asp:LinkButton runat="server" CssClass="continue-button" ID="continue" OnClientClick="ProcessFormAnimation();" OnCommand="continue_Command" TabIndex="2"> Continue </asp:LinkButton> 

Here is the rendered code:

 <a onclick="ProcessFormAnimation();" id="continue" class="continue-button"> Continue </a> 

The LinkButton Support TabIndex

Documentation Microsoft ASP.NET

Remembering that,

Only controls with a tab index other than zero will render the tabindex attribute.

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