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Getting the name of a type of generic property of class definition using Roslyn

I have a class defined as below:

class Derived
    public int t { get; set; }
    public List<Child> Childs { get; set; }

I want to get the System.Type for every property of the class. This is what I have currently:

var properties = node.DescendantNodes().OfType<PropertyDeclarationSyntax>();

var symbolDisplayFormat = new SymbolDisplayFormat(
    typeQualificationStyle: SymbolDisplayTypeQualificationStyle.NameAndContainingTypesAndNamespaces

foreach (var property in properties) 
    var typeSymbol = context.SemanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(property.Type).Symbol as INamedTypeSymbol;
    string name = typeSymbol.ToDisplayString(symbolDisplayFormat);

Where node is a ClassDeclarationSyntax .

This code works fine for the property t ; the name of the type of the property is returned System.Int32 . However, for the property Childs (it's a type with a generic argument) I get a null typeSymbol , which is not the System.Type for this property that's expected.

How can I get the type of property of a generic type from a class definition using Roslyn?

You should use SemanticModel.GetTypeInfo instead of SemanticModel.GetSymbolInfo to retrieve corresponding ITypeSymbol from node:

foreach (var property in properties) 
    var info = context.SemanticModel.GetTypeInfo(property);
    var typeSymbol = info.Type ?? info.ConvertedType; 


TypeSyntax type = (property.Type as GenericNameSyntax).TypeArgumentList.Arguments[0];

I managed to get the generic type information with:

if (type is INamedTypeSymbol nType) //type is ITypeSymbol
    bool isGeneric = nType.IsGenericType;
    int typeArgumentsCount = nType.TypeArguments.Count();

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