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How can I get data from mysql database into datatable with doctrine (Symfony 4)?

Like this my table is filled data from an Array:

  public function showAction(Request $request)

    $table = $this->createDataTable()
    ->add('firstName', TextColumn::class)
    ->add('lastName', TextColumn::class)
    ->createAdapter(ArrayAdapter::class, [
      ['firstName' => 'Cat', 'lastName' => 'Duck'],
      ['firstName' => 'Monkey', 'lastName' => 'Dog'],

    if ($table->isCallback()) {
      return $table->getResponse();

    return $this->render('list.html.twig', ['datatable' => $table]);

But what I need is to get the data directly from the mySQL database. I tried this with doctrine:

 public function showAction(Request $request)
    $articles = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(Article::class)->findAll()->handleRequest($request);

    if ($articles ->isCallback()) {
      return $articles ->getResponse();

    return $this->render('list.html.twig', ['datatable' => $articles]);

But I get an ERROR:

Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalThrowableError: "Call to a member function handleRequest() on array" at /Users/work/project/src/Controller/DataTableController.php line 27

I also tried to write it like this:

  public function showAction(Request $request)
    $articles = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(Article::class)->findAll();

    return $this->render('list.html.twig', ['datatable' => $articles]);

But here I get the error:

Argument 1 passed to Omines\\DataTablesBundle\\Twig\\DataTablesExtension::Omines\\DataTablesBundle\\Twig{closure}() must be an instance of Omines\\DataTablesBundle\\DataTable, array given, called in /Users/work/project/var/cache/dev/twig/0b/0bf4881c934fbecf72f2dfcacd298733196c8daa0e22d77f67fcdf0fee9f33e4.php on line 185

According to documentation ( https://omines.github.io/datatables-bundle/#doctrine-orm )

In your first exemple, you need to do this :

public function showAction(Request $request)
    $table = $this->createDataTable()
    ->add('firstName', TextColumn::class)
    ->add('lastName', TextColumn::class)
    ->createAdapter(ORMAdapter::class, [
        'entity' => Article::class,

    if ($table->isCallback()) {
        return $table->getResponse();

    return $this->render('list.html.twig', ['datatable' => $table]);

Don't forget to add this on top of your class :

use Omines\DataTablesBundle\Adapter\Doctrine\ORMAdapter;

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