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ValueError: Buffer has wrong number of dimensions (expected 1, got 2) when using seaborn

I am trying to plot a count plot using seaborn. However, I keep getting the error:

 ValueError: Buffer has wrong number of dimensions (expected 1, got 2)

The data is in array format like this:

Output : array([[  69.86249185,  420.73371599,  293.97930338, ...,   75.0959945 ,
            1324.91605382,  695.82952194],
           [ 653.72679905,  173.0166009 ,  881.79444099, ...,  519.62763564,
             737.738956  ,  114.53013382],
           [ 137.60270124,  621.0421363 ,   93.48686268, ...,  271.48007915,
            1525.69688999,  896.4147582 ],

Output: array([[ 9.43214091e+01, -1.89435531e+01,  1.07357663e+01, ...,
         1.23508040e-02, -4.93779143e-03,  4.85990628e-13],
       [ 6.82436757e+02,  3.43334711e+01,  9.96130809e+00, ...,
         1.91267574e-02,  8.14910013e-03, -1.38680181e-13],
       [-1.06579511e+02, -6.68715037e+00, -1.84056983e+00, ...,
        -1.90794427e-02, -4.22592696e-03, -2.87145744e-13],

Finally, I have a data frame known as cat. This is the code I am using

ax = sns.countplot(x=pca_orignal_transform, hue=kmeans_updated_transform, data=cat)

Why is the count plot throwing an error when I try to plot it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


ax = sns.countplot(x="columnname1", hue="columnname2", data=cat)

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