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Display json object properties in parameters list in Swagger UI

I' writing the docs for web API with swagger, OpenAPI version 3. I use swagger php package to generate documented json from annotations. I have service, where I send post request to add new user, and requested body is json(so parameters are sent as json object). it has 2 parameters - email and password. request body looks like

   "email": "test@test.com",
   "password": "test"

here's YAML of swagger

        required: true
              $ref: '#/components/schemas/SignUp'
          description: successful operation

here's reference schema which contains request parameters ( /components/schemas/SignUp )

  title: SignUp
  description: Adds new user
    - email
    - password
      description: User's email
      type: string
      maximum: 255
      pattern: email
      description: User's password
      type: string
      maximum: 255

here's how it looks in swagger UI 在此处输入图片说明 as you can see on image, requested body is empty(while I have 2 parameters) and this is the issue. if I change the header from application/json to application/x-www-form-urlencoded then it will work(it will show all parameters in parameters list). how to make it show json object parameters in that list?

Your spec is correct and the displayed result in Swagger UI is correct and exactly as expected for OpenAPI 3.0 definitions.

Note there are two sections, "Parameters" (for parameters ) and "Request body" (for requestBody ). In OpenAPI 3.0, parameters is only used for query parameters, path parameters, request headers and cookies; whereas requestBody is displayed in the "Request body" section. You can click "Model" link to view the request body schema with property descriptions.

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