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Compress Files from list with PowerShell 5

I have a file with a list of files with directions.

Like this:





How can I to compress all files and save files with sub-directions.

Now, I can to compress all files but without directions.

Like this:





Sorry on my bad English.

foreach ($filename in Get-Content .\ListOfFilesToZip.txt)
    Compress-Archive -Update $filename .\ZipFile.zip

Edit If question is about getting filename from the path
The most efficient way would be with a regex, but they can be rather complicated if you are not used to working with them.

A simpler way would be to simply split each string and select the last part where the file name is:

$string = "c:\asd\qwe\zxc\dog.txt"

#Split the string on each \

#This will output a list like this

Now we want to simply select the last entry in this list as the filename is always last in a path. So we use Select Object for that.

$string.Split("\") | Select-Object -Last 1 

This will return:


You can run this through a foreach on your list to get it for each item.

Not sure if there's any better way of doing this, but you can create a temp folder, copy the files to be archived along with desired folder structure over there and then just zip up the whole thing.

Take a look here (not my code, but seems to do exactly that) for a sample

The following function can compresses a whole folder structure into a single zip file and will keep the structure within the zip (even works with PowerShell <5).

function createZipFile($outputFileName, $sourceDirectory){
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
    $compressionLevel = [System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel]::Optimal
    [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($sourceDirectory, $outputFileName, $compressionLevel, $false)

Call it like that:

createZipFile "c:\temp\output.zip" "c:\folder\to\compress"
function DirNewTemp {
    $tmpdir = (New-TemporaryFile).FullName
    Remove-Item -Force -Path $tmpdir -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
    New-Item -Type Directory $tmpdir | out-null
    return $tmpdir

function ZipFiles {
    write-host ""
    write-host "====================================="
    write-host "ZipFile $Zip"
    write-host "====================================="
    $pwd      = (Get-Location).Path     
    $tmpdir   = DirNewTemp
    try {
        $count = $FileList.Count
        foreach ($file in $FileList) {
            $pwd_escaped = [Regex]::Escape($pwd)        
            $save_file   = $file -replace "^${pwd_escaped}\\", "${tmpdir}\"
            $save_path   = Split-Path $save_file -Parent
            New-Item  -Force -Path $save_path -ItemType Directory | out-null
            Copy-Item -Force $file $save_file           
        set-location $tmpdir        
        $dest = "$pwd\$Zip";
        write-host "Creating Zip: $dest"        
        Compress-Archive -Force -Path * -DestinationPath $dest
    finally {
        write-host "cleanup"
        set-location $pwd
        remove-item -Force -Recurse -Path $tmpdir -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'

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