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create generic objects with dynamic type

I have a problem with generic types in C#. This is my minimal client:

using Castle.DynamicProxy;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Disposables;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Subjects;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace WebProxyClientTester

    public class LiveResultPromise<R, L>
        private Task<R> result;
        private IObservable<L> notification;

        public LiveResultPromise(Task<R> result, IObservable<L> notification)
            this.result = result;
            this.notification = notification;

        public Task<R> Result { get => result; set => result = value; }
        public IObservable<L> Notification { get => notification; set => notification = value; }

    public class UserContact
        public UserContact()


    public class User
        public User()


    public class AddressBook
        public AddressBook()


    class Response<T>
        private int id;
        private T result;
        private object error;

        public int Id { get => id; set => id = value; }
        public T Result { get => result; set => result = value; }
        public object Error { get => error; set => error = value; }

    public interface MyInterface
        LiveResultPromise<UserContact, UserContact> getUserContact(String username);
        LiveResultPromise<User, User> getUsers();
        LiveResultPromise<AddressBook, AddressBook> getAddressBook();

    class Client
        Subject<Response<dynamic>> wsResponse = new Subject<Response<dynamic>>();
        int id = 1;
        public Client()


        public Subject<Response<dynamic>> WsResponse { get => wsResponse; set => wsResponse = value; }

        public dynamic Invoke(String methodName, object[] arguments, Type returnType)
            TaskCompletionSource<dynamic> taskResult = new TaskCompletionSource<dynamic>();
            IObservable<Response<dynamic>> notification = Observable.Create<Response<dynamic>>((result) =>
                wsResponse.Subscribe((res) =>
                    if (id == res.Result)

                }, (error) => { });

                return Disposable.Create(() => Console.WriteLine("Observer has unsubscribed"));

            LiveResultPromise<dynamic, dynamic> liveResultPromise = new LiveResultPromise<dynamic, dynamic>(taskResult.Task, notification);
            return liveResultPromise;

    class ProxyUtils : IInterceptor
        private Client client;
        public ProxyUtils(Client client)
            this.client = client;

        public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
            invocation.ReturnValue = client.Invoke(invocation.Method.Name, invocation.Arguments, invocation.Method.ReturnType);

    class TestCLientExample
        private static MyInterface requestClient;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Client client = new Client();
            requestClient = new ProxyGenerator().CreateInterfaceProxyWithoutTarget<MyInterface>(new ProxyUtils(client));
            LiveResultPromise<User, User> users = requestClient.getUsers();
            LiveResultPromise<UserContact, UserContact> contact = requestClient.getUserContact("pippo");
            LiveResultPromise<AddressBook, AddressBook> addressBook = requestClient.getAddressBook();

            users.Notification.Subscribe((result) =>
                Console.WriteLine("User Object");

            contact.Notification.Subscribe((result) =>
                Console.WriteLine("UserContact Object");

            addressBook.Notification.Subscribe((result) =>
                Console.WriteLine("AddressBook Object");

            Response<User> res1 = new Response<User>();
            res1.Id = 1;
            res1.Result = new User();


            Response<UserContact> res2 = new Response<UserContact>();
            res2.Id = 2;
            res2.Result = new UserContact();


            Response<AddressBook> res3 = new Response<AddressBook>();
            res3.Id = 3;
            res3.Result = new AddressBook();


I have two problems whit my code, first in this part

 Response<User> res1 = new Response<User>();
 res1.Id = 1;
 res1.Result = new User();


beacuse client.WsResponse want Response<dynamic> but i put Response<User> and compiler fails with error: can't convert Response<User> to Response<dynamic> .

I can resolve with this part of code:

Response<dynamic> res1 = new Response<dynamic>();
res1.Id = 1;
res1.Result = new User();


Response<dynamic> res2 = new Response<dynamic>();
res2.Id = 2;
res2.Result = new UserContact();


Response<dynamic> res3 = new Response<dynamic>();
res3.Id = 3;
res3.Result = new AddressBook();


second problem is the result:

LiveResultPromise<User, User> users = requestClient.getUsers();
LiveResultPromise<UserContact, UserContact> contact = requestClient.getUserContact("pippo");
LiveResultPromise<AddressBook, AddressBook> addressBook = requestClient.getAddressBook();

because for example LiveResultPromise<dynamic, dynamic> can't cast to LiveResultPromise<User, User>

How I can do something similar?

Thank you.

i've resolved my problem with this solution

using Castle.DynamicProxy;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Disposables;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Subjects;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace WebProxyClientTester
   public class LiveResultPromise<R, L>
        private Task<R> result;
        private IObservable<L> notification;

        public LiveResultPromise(Task<R> result, IObservable<L> notification)
            this.result = result;
            this.notification = notification;

        public Task<R> Result { get => result; set => result = value; }
        public IObservable<L> Notification { get => notification; set => notification = value; }

    public class UserContact
        public UserContact()


    public class User
        public User()


    public class AddressBook
        public AddressBook()


    class Response
        private int id;
        private dynamic result;
        private object error;

        public int Id { get => id; set => id = value; }
        public dynamic Result { get => result; set => result = value; }
        public object Error { get => error; set => error = value; }

    class MutableInt
        private int value;

        public MutableInt(int value)
            this.Value = value;

        public int Value { get => value; set => this.value = value; }

        public int GetAndIncrement()
            int last = Value;
            return last;

    public interface MyInterface
        LiveResultPromise<UserContact, UserContact> getUserContact(String username);
        LiveResultPromise<User, User> getUsers();
        LiveResultPromise<AddressBook, AddressBook> getAddressBook();

    class Client
        Subject<Response> wsResponse = new Subject<Response>();
        MutableInt idRequest = new MutableInt(1);
        public Client()


        public Subject<Response> WsResponse { get => wsResponse; set => wsResponse = value; }

        public dynamic Invoke<T, R>(String methodName, object[] arguments, Type returnType, T typeResult, R typeNotify)
            int currentId = idRequest.GetAndIncrement();
            TaskCompletionSource<T> taskResult = new TaskCompletionSource<T>();
            IObservable<R> notification = Observable.Create<R>((result) =>
                wsResponse.Subscribe((res) =>
                    if (currentId == res.Id)

                }, (error) => { });

                return Disposable.Create(() => Console.WriteLine("Observer has unsubscribed"));

            LiveResultPromise<T, R> liveResultPromise = new LiveResultPromise<T, R>(taskResult.Task, notification);            
            return liveResultPromise;

    class ProxyUtils : IInterceptor
        private Client client;
        public ProxyUtils(Client client)
            this.client = client;

        public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
            System.Type genericType = invocation.Method.ReturnType;
            dynamic typeResult = null;
            dynamic typeNotify = null;

            if (genericType.GetGenericArguments().Length > 0)
                if (genericType.GetGenericArguments().Length >= 1)
                    typeResult = genericType.GetGenericArguments()[0];

                if (genericType.GetGenericArguments().Length >= 2)
                    typeNotify = genericType.GetGenericArguments()[1];

            var result = Activator.CreateInstance(typeResult);
            var notification = Activator.CreateInstance(typeNotify);

            invocation.ReturnValue = client.Invoke(invocation.Method.Name, invocation.Arguments, invocation.Method.ReturnType, result, notification);

    class TestCLientExample
        private static MyInterface requestClient;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Client client = new Client();
            requestClient = new ProxyGenerator().CreateInterfaceProxyWithoutTarget<MyInterface>(new ProxyUtils(client));
            LiveResultPromise<User, User> users = requestClient.getUsers();
            LiveResultPromise<UserContact, UserContact> contact = requestClient.getUserContact("pippo");
            LiveResultPromise<AddressBook, AddressBook> addressBook = requestClient.getAddressBook();

            users.Notification.Subscribe((result) =>
                Console.WriteLine("User Object");

            contact.Notification.Subscribe((result) =>
                Console.WriteLine("UserContact Object");

            addressBook.Notification.Subscribe((result) =>
                Console.WriteLine("AddressBook Object");

            Response res1 = new Response();
            res1.Id = 1;
            res1.Result = new User();


            Response res2 = new Response();
            res2.Id = 2;
            res2.Result = new UserContact();


            Response res3 = new Response();
            res3.Id = 3;
            res3.Result = new AddressBook();


I have a doubt about this part because I'm afraid I can create a memory leak.

 var result = Activator.CreateInstance(typeResult);
 var notification = Activator.CreateInstance(typeNotify);

say me if you know better solution for this.

Thank You.

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